A systematic review of the effects of silvopastoral system on thermal environment and dairy cows' behavioral and physiological responses
Does the silvopastoral system (SPS) promote a satisfactory thermal environment for dairy
cows to perform their natural behaviors and perform a suitable thermoregulatory function …
cows to perform their natural behaviors and perform a suitable thermoregulatory function …
[HTML][HTML] Transcriptional regulation of milk fat synthesis in dairy cattle
Z Tian, Y Zhang, H Zhang, Y Sun, Y Mao… - Journal of Functional …, 2022 - Elsevier
With the rapid development of China's economy and dairy industry, the people's requirement
for milk quality is increasing. Milk fat is a crucial indicator of milk quality. Therefore, exploring …
for milk quality is increasing. Milk fat is a crucial indicator of milk quality. Therefore, exploring …
Temperature, productivity, and heat tolerance: Evidence from Swedish dairy production
This study aims to identify the effects of temperature on dairy production and the heat
tolerance of different dairy breeds under heat stress. Using farm and animal-level data from …
tolerance of different dairy breeds under heat stress. Using farm and animal-level data from …
Animal welfare during transport: comparison of mortality during transport from farm to slaughter of different animal species and categories in the Czech Republic
L Valkova, V Vecerek, E Voslarova… - Italian Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Animals may be subjected to various stressors during transport, which may compromise
their health and welfare as well as meat quality. In the chain of operations between a farm …
their health and welfare as well as meat quality. In the chain of operations between a farm …
Evaluation of environmental and physiological indicators in lactating dairy cows exposed to heat stress
H Shu, L Guo, J Bindelle, T Fang, M **ng, F Sun… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
This study aimed to better understand environmental heat stress and physiological heat
strain indicators in lactating dairy cows. Sixteen heat stress indicators were derived using …
strain indicators in lactating dairy cows. Sixteen heat stress indicators were derived using …
A place in the shade? Shaded spaces as a domain of geographical research: a literature review (1990–2024)
N Gabellieri - GeoJournal, 2025 - Springer
The study of shade and shaded spaces has attracted growing interest in a number of
disciplines. Although geographic studies specifically focused on this subject are relatively …
disciplines. Although geographic studies specifically focused on this subject are relatively …
Analysis of rainfall variability and impact on the start and end dates of rainy seasons in the urban humid tropical zone: a case of the Yaoundé Town, Cameroon …
D Nsangou, Z Mfonka, A Kpoumié… - Arabian Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
This study aims to evaluate the influence of current and changing rainfall dynamics on the
start and end dates of the rainy seasons in Yaoundé town. Thus, classical statistical tests …
start and end dates of the rainy seasons in Yaoundé town. Thus, classical statistical tests …
[PDF][PDF] Caracterización del bienestar animal en explotaciones de vacuno lechero de la raza Holstein del noreste de España
C García-Pérez, D Villalba Mata, R Casals-Maestre… - 2022 - repositori.udl.cat
El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el bienestar animal en explotaciones de vacuno
lechero de raza Holstein del noreste de España, valorar la influencia del estrés térmico en …
lechero de raza Holstein del noreste de España, valorar la influencia del estrés térmico en …
[HTML][HTML] Do animal health models meet the needs of organic and conventional dairy farmers in Spain and the UK on disease prevention?
I Blanco-Penedo, R Wonfor, RP Kipling - Veterinary and Animal Science, 2022 - Elsevier
Modelling plays an important role in assessing disease risks and the efficacy of preventative
actions. However, the extent to which existing models meet the needs of different groups of …
actions. However, the extent to which existing models meet the needs of different groups of …
Modelling the impact of climate change on agriculture in Europe.
M Trnka, R Brázdil, L Bril… - 2023 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Europe is recognised as the western part of Eurasia, situated on the Afro-Eurasia plate. It is
bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean …
bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean …