Physiological mechanisms of acute upper thermal tolerance in fish
This review is focused on the questions of why fish exhibit heat failure at thermal extremes
and which physiological mechanisms determine the acute upper thermal tolerance. We …
and which physiological mechanisms determine the acute upper thermal tolerance. We …
Finding the right thermal limit: a framework to reconcile ecological, physiological and methodological aspects of CTmax in ectotherms
Upper thermal limits (CTmax) are frequently used to parameterize the fundamental niche of
ectothermic animals and to infer biogeographical distribution limits under current and future …
ectothermic animals and to infer biogeographical distribution limits under current and future …
What do warming waters mean for fish physiology and fisheries?
Environmental signals act primarily on physiological systems, which then influence higher‐
level functions such as movement patterns and population dynamics. Increases in average …
level functions such as movement patterns and population dynamics. Increases in average …
The ecological relevance of critical thermal maxima methodology for fishes
Critical thermal maxima methodology (CTM) has been used to infer acute upper thermal
tolerance in fishes since the 1950s, yet its ecological relevance remains debated. In this …
tolerance in fishes since the 1950s, yet its ecological relevance remains debated. In this …
Brain dysfunction during warming is linked to oxygen limitation in larval zebrafish
Understanding the physiological mechanisms that limit animal thermal tolerance is crucial in
predicting how animals will respond to increasingly severe heat waves. Despite their …
predicting how animals will respond to increasingly severe heat waves. Despite their …
Low potential for evolutionary rescue from climate change in a tropical fish
Climate change is increasing global temperatures and intensifying the frequency and
severity of extreme heat waves. How organisms will cope with these changes depends on …
severity of extreme heat waves. How organisms will cope with these changes depends on …
The role of mechanistic physiology in investigating impacts of global warming on fishes
Warming of aquatic environments as a result of climate change is already having
measurable impacts on fishes, manifested as changes in phenology, range shifts and …
measurable impacts on fishes, manifested as changes in phenology, range shifts and …
'Aerobic scope protection'reduces ectotherm growth under warming
Temperature has a dramatic effect on the physiology of ectothermic animals, impacting most
of their biology. When temperatures increase above optimal for an animal, their growth …
of their biology. When temperatures increase above optimal for an animal, their growth …
Reduced hypoxia tolerance and survival at elevated temperatures may limit the ability of Amazonian fishes to survive in a warming world
The Amazon basin contains more than 20% of the world's freshwater fishes, many of
ecological and economical importance. An increase in temperature of 2.2 to 7° C is …
ecological and economical importance. An increase in temperature of 2.2 to 7° C is …
The upper temperature and hypoxia limits of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) depend greatly on the method utilized
In this study, Atlantic salmon were:(i) implanted with heart rate (f H) data storage tags
(DSTs), pharmacologically stimulated to maximum f H, and warmed at 10° C h− 1 (ie tested …
(DSTs), pharmacologically stimulated to maximum f H, and warmed at 10° C h− 1 (ie tested …