Obstacles to the diffusion of adaptation in the Rhein-Neckar region in Germany

NM Schmidt, M Wagner - Regional Environmental Change, 2023 - Springer
Because the impacts of climate change are felt at the local level, we assess adaptation
diffusion mechanisms (ie, learning, competition, and emulation) among smaller big cities …

Re-imagining the future: city-region foresight and visioning in an era of fragmented governance

TJ Dixon, G Karuri-Sebina, J Ravetz… - Regional …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In this editorial we explore how the concept of the city region has evolved and what
questions this raises for the role of urban futures, including visioning and foresight. The …

[HTML][HTML] Ordenamiento territorial en Chile: Nuevo escenario para la gobernanza regional.

A Orellana Ossandón, F Arenas Vásquez… - Revista de Geografía …, 2020 - SciELO Chile
A partir de un análisis de contexto sobre la evolución de los paradigmas en torno al
ordenamiento territorial desde una perspectiva reciente, este trabajo se enfoca en describir …

City-regional governance under state entrepreneurialism in China

F Zhang, F Wu, W Wang - Transactions in Planning and …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Facing de-globalisation, changing international politics, climate changes and new smart
technologies in the post-pandemic era, city-regions become important spaces for economic …

Metropolitan revolution or metropolitan evolution? The (dis) continuities in metropolitan institutional reforms

M Tomàs - Metropolitan regions, planning and governance, 2020 - Springer
The development and change of metropolitan institutions have been at the heart of political
and theoretical debates for decades. However, given the widespread path dependency of …

Evaluating regional spatial imaginaries: the Oxford–Cambridge Arc

D Valler, AEG Jonas, L Robinson - Territory, Politics, Governance, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The process of imagination is central to region formation, underpinning the spatial definition
and territorial bounding of areas, the development of spatial identity and institutional …

[HTML][HTML] Cartografía de riesgo de inundación en la planificación territorial para la gestión del riesgo de desastre. Escalas de trabajo y estudios de casos en España

J Vargas, J Olcina, P Paneque - EURE (Santiago), 2022 - SciELO Chile
RESUMEN as inundaciones son el riesgo natural que genera mayores impactos
socioeconómicos y territoriales en el litoral mediterráneo español. El aumento en la …

Universal values of Pancasila in managing the crime of terrorism

J Setiyono, A Natalis - Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An …, 2023 - search.informit.org
Using a Socio-Legal Studies approach, this article analyses the primacy of the universal
values of Pancasila, a decolonizing ideology, in tackling crimes of terrorism in Indonesia. In …

Grow or die! Land-use strategy mismatch in the 'post-political'metropolitan planning era

J Malý - Progress in Planning, 2024 - Elsevier
Metropolitan spaces are perceived as spatiotemporally dynamic entities where traditional
settlement patterns transform into heterogeneous post-suburban forms, integrating complex …

Radicalism in Indonesia: Modelling and Legal Construction

U Usman, H Hafrida, M Rapik, M Maryati, AZSA Sabri - JILS, 2023 - HeinOnline
Radicalism, commonly intertwined with terrorism, assumes a critical role in Indonesia's
efforts to counter and deradicalize individuals as part of its broader counterterrorism …