The role of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal axis in mediating predator-avoidance trade-offs
Maintaining energy balance and reproducing are important for fitness, yet animals have
evolved mechanisms by which the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal (HPA/HPI) axis …
evolved mechanisms by which the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal (HPA/HPI) axis …
Transgenerational transmission of pregestational and prenatal experience: maternal adversity, enrichment, and underlying epigenetic and environmental mechanisms
L Taouk, J Schulkin - Journal of developmental origins of health and …, 2016 -
Transgenerational transmission refers to positive and negative adaptations in brain function
and behavior that affect following generations. In this paper, empirical findings regarding the …
and behavior that affect following generations. In this paper, empirical findings regarding the …
Programming of stress-related behavior and epigenetic neural gene regulation in mice offspring through maternal exposure to predator odor
Perinatal stress mediated through the mother can lead to long-term alterations in stress-
related phenotypes in offspring. The capacity for adaptation to adversity in early life depends …
related phenotypes in offspring. The capacity for adaptation to adversity in early life depends …
Maternal programming of sex-specific responses to predator odor stress in adult rats
Prenatal stress mediated through the mother can lead to long-term adaptations in stress-
related phenotypes in offspring. This study tested the long-lasting effect of prenatal exposure …
related phenotypes in offspring. This study tested the long-lasting effect of prenatal exposure …
Intergenerational trauma transmission is associated with brain metabotranscriptome remodeling and mitochondrial dysfunction
Intergenerational trauma increases lifetime susceptibility to depression and other psychiatric
disorders. Whether intergenerational trauma transmission is a consequence of in-utero …
disorders. Whether intergenerational trauma transmission is a consequence of in-utero …
Predator-induced transgenerational plasticity in animals: a meta-analysis
There is growing evidence that the environment experienced by one generation can
influence phenotypes in the next generation via transgenerational plasticity (TGP). One of …
influence phenotypes in the next generation via transgenerational plasticity (TGP). One of …
Transgenerational effects of infantile adversity and enrichment in male and female rats
To discover whether the accumulation of life's experiences, adverse and enriching, inform,
and serve the following generation by inheritance we examine whether stress to a weanling …
and serve the following generation by inheritance we examine whether stress to a weanling …
Reproductive state affects reliance on public information in sticklebacks
The degree to which animals use public and private sources of information has important
implications for research in both evolutionary ecology and cultural evolution. While …
implications for research in both evolutionary ecology and cultural evolution. While …
Social information, conformity and the opportunity costs paid by foraging fish
Animals pay opportunity costs when pursuing one of several mutually exclusive courses of
action. We quantified the opportunity costs of conforming to the behaviour of others in …
action. We quantified the opportunity costs of conforming to the behaviour of others in …
Effects of pre-reproductive maternal enrichment on maternal care, offspring's play behavior and oxytocinergic neurons
D Cutuli, E Berretta, P Caporali, P Sampedro-Piquero… - …, 2019 - Elsevier
Potentiating social, cognitive, and sensorimotor stimulations the Environmental Enrichment
(EE) increases levels of novelty and complexity experienced by individuals. Growing …
(EE) increases levels of novelty and complexity experienced by individuals. Growing …