The role of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal axis in mediating predator-avoidance trade-offs

BN Harris, JA Carr - General and comparative endocrinology, 2016 - Elsevier
Maintaining energy balance and reproducing are important for fitness, yet animals have
evolved mechanisms by which the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal (HPA/HPI) axis …

Transgenerational transmission of pregestational and prenatal experience: maternal adversity, enrichment, and underlying epigenetic and environmental mechanisms

L Taouk, J Schulkin - Journal of developmental origins of health and …, 2016 -
Transgenerational transmission refers to positive and negative adaptations in brain function
and behavior that affect following generations. In this paper, empirical findings regarding the …

Programming of stress-related behavior and epigenetic neural gene regulation in mice offspring through maternal exposure to predator odor

S St-Cyr, PO McGowan - Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 2015 -
Perinatal stress mediated through the mother can lead to long-term alterations in stress-
related phenotypes in offspring. The capacity for adaptation to adversity in early life depends …

Maternal programming of sex-specific responses to predator odor stress in adult rats

S St-Cyr, S Abuaish, S Sivanathan… - Hormones and behavior, 2017 - Elsevier
Prenatal stress mediated through the mother can lead to long-term adaptations in stress-
related phenotypes in offspring. This study tested the long-lasting effect of prenatal exposure …

Intergenerational trauma transmission is associated with brain metabotranscriptome remodeling and mitochondrial dysfunction

S Alhassen, S Chen, L Alhassen, A Phan… - Communications …, 2021 -
Intergenerational trauma increases lifetime susceptibility to depression and other psychiatric
disorders. Whether intergenerational trauma transmission is a consequence of in-utero …

Predator-induced transgenerational plasticity in animals: a meta-analysis

KJ MacLeod, C Monestier, MCO Ferrari, KE McGhee… - Oecologia, 2022 - Springer
There is growing evidence that the environment experienced by one generation can
influence phenotypes in the next generation via transgenerational plasticity (TGP). One of …

Transgenerational effects of infantile adversity and enrichment in male and female rats

M Leshem, J Schulkin - Developmental psychobiology, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
To discover whether the accumulation of life's experiences, adverse and enriching, inform,
and serve the following generation by inheritance we examine whether stress to a weanling …

Reproductive state affects reliance on public information in sticklebacks

MM Webster, KN Laland - Proceedings of the Royal …, 2011 -
The degree to which animals use public and private sources of information has important
implications for research in both evolutionary ecology and cultural evolution. While …

Social information, conformity and the opportunity costs paid by foraging fish

MM Webster, KN Laland - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2012 - Springer
Animals pay opportunity costs when pursuing one of several mutually exclusive courses of
action. We quantified the opportunity costs of conforming to the behaviour of others in …

Effects of pre-reproductive maternal enrichment on maternal care, offspring's play behavior and oxytocinergic neurons

D Cutuli, E Berretta, P Caporali, P Sampedro-Piquero… - …, 2019 - Elsevier
Potentiating social, cognitive, and sensorimotor stimulations the Environmental Enrichment
(EE) increases levels of novelty and complexity experienced by individuals. Growing …