[HTML][HTML] The neural circuitry of social homeostasis: Consequences of acute versus chronic social isolation
Social homeostasis is the ability of individuals to detect the quantity and quality of social
contact, compare it to an established set-point in a command center, and adjust the effort …
contact, compare it to an established set-point in a command center, and adjust the effort …
Evolution of sensory receptors
Sensory receptors are at the interface between an organism and its environment and thus
represent key sites for biological innovation. Here, we survey major sensory receptor …
represent key sites for biological innovation. Here, we survey major sensory receptor …
[HTML][HTML] Limbic neurons shape sex recognition and social behavior in sexually naive males
Sexually naive animals have to distinguish between the sexes because they show species-
typical interactions with males and females without meaningful prior experience. However …
typical interactions with males and females without meaningful prior experience. However …
Signal detection and coding in the accessory olfactory system
In many mammalian species, the accessory olfactory system plays a central role in guiding
behavioral and physiological responses to social and reproductive interactions. Because of …
behavioral and physiological responses to social and reproductive interactions. Because of …
The search for human pheromones: the lost decades and the necessity of returning to first principles
TD Wyatt - Proceedings of the Royal Society B …, 2015 - royalsocietypublishing.org
As humans are mammals, it is possible, perhaps even probable, that we have pheromones.
However, there is no robust bioassay-led evidence for the widely published claims that four …
However, there is no robust bioassay-led evidence for the widely published claims that four …
Estrogen involvement in social behavior in rodents: rapid and long-term actions
This article is part of a Special Issue (“Estradiol and cognition”). Estrogens have repeatedly
been shown to influence a wide array of social behaviors, which in rodents are …
been shown to influence a wide array of social behaviors, which in rodents are …
Olfactory receptor for prostaglandin F2α mediates male fish courtship behavior
Pheromones play vital roles for survival and reproduction in various organisms. In many
fishes, prostaglandin F2α acts not only as a female reproductive hormone, facilitating …
fishes, prostaglandin F2α acts not only as a female reproductive hormone, facilitating …
Hormonal modulation of pheromone detection enhances male courtship success
During the lifespans of most animals, reproductive maturity and mating activity are highly
coordinated. In Drosophila melanogaster, for instance, male fertility increases with age, and …
coordinated. In Drosophila melanogaster, for instance, male fertility increases with age, and …
Oxytocin mediates entrainment of sensory stimuli to social cues of opposing valence
Meaningful social interactions modify behavioral responses to sensory stimuli. The neural
mechanisms underlying the entrainment of neutral sensory stimuli to salient social cues to …
mechanisms underlying the entrainment of neutral sensory stimuli to salient social cues to …
Mammalian pheromones: emerging properties and mechanisms of detection
L Stowers, TH Kuo - Current opinion in neurobiology, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•A variety of mammalian pheromones have recently been isolated from the
mouse.•Mouse pheromones, cognate sensory neurons, and their elicited behaviors are …
mouse.•Mouse pheromones, cognate sensory neurons, and their elicited behaviors are …