Ethnoscience studies analysis and their integration in science learning: literature review
Ethnoscience is a learning approach related the actual knowledge of the community to
scientific knowledge. This article aims to analyze the study of ethnosciences and their …
scientific knowledge. This article aims to analyze the study of ethnosciences and their …
Analysis of Integrating Local Potential in Science Learning and its Effect on 21st Century Skills and Student Cultural Awareness: Literature Review
Integrating local potential in science learning is an effort to introduce culture to the younger
generation by linking indigenous knowledge into scientific knowledge. This study focuses on …
generation by linking indigenous knowledge into scientific knowledge. This study focuses on …
Description of students' Integrated Science Process Skills on Friction Material on a Flat Field
Abstract Science Process Skills have an important function in the process of student curiosity
and scholarship, so it is necessary to do a description of students' science process skills …
and scholarship, so it is necessary to do a description of students' science process skills …
Development of augmented reality (AR) learning media to increase student motivation and learning outcomes in science
This research aims to 1) develop AR learning media regarding the interaction of living things
and the environment, 2) determine the feasibility and response to AR media, and 3) …
and the environment, 2) determine the feasibility and response to AR media, and 3) …
The trend ethnopedagogy research as contribution in elementary science learning in the era of industrial revolution 4.0
Ethnopedagogy is an approach to education that uses students' culture and cultural context
as a basis for the learning process. Ethopedagogy is important because it helps shape …
as a basis for the learning process. Ethopedagogy is important because it helps shape …
Students' science process skills and understanding on Ohm's law and direct current circuit through virtual laboratory based predict-observe-explain model
Many studies have found that good science process skills are correlated with understanding
of concepts. Based on observations, many students have low understanding and processing …
of concepts. Based on observations, many students have low understanding and processing …
Promoting science process skills and learning outcomes through cybergogy approaches with PhET media for Junior High School Students
MIM Hidayat, H Subekti - Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 2022 -
This study aims to describe the implementation of the cybergogy approach in improving
Science Process Skills and learning outcomes. The research design used is One Group …
Science Process Skills and learning outcomes. The research design used is One Group …
The Impact of the discovery learning model on problem-solving ability and scientific attitude of elementary school teacher education students
PD Ananda, SE Atmojo - International Journal of …, 2022 -
The abilities or skills that should be possessed in science learning have become less than
optimal due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze the effect of the …
optimal due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze the effect of the …
Development of integrated problem-based electronic student worksheets local potential of TPST piyungan on environmental change material
L Yunitasari, AT Pratama - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2024 -
This research aims to determine the characteristics and produce problem-based electronic
student worksheets that are integrated with the local potential of TPST Piyungan in …
student worksheets that are integrated with the local potential of TPST Piyungan in …
HOTS Oriented Problem-Based Learning Model: Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Outcomes of Fifth Grade Students in Science Learning
IGE Cantona, IW Suastra… - Thinking Skills and …, 2023 -
The lack of application of learning models that provide HOTs problems causes low science
learning outcomes and students' critical thinking skills. So that it is necessary to apply a …
learning outcomes and students' critical thinking skills. So that it is necessary to apply a …