Ore-forming mechanism of quartz-vein-type W-Sn deposits of the **tian district in SE China: Implications from the trace element analysis of wolframite and …

YQ **ong, YJ Shao, HD Zhou, QH Wu, JP Liu… - Ore Geology …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract The **tian W–Sn district is located in eastern Hunan Province of SE China and
comprises the Heshuxia, Goudalan, and Longshang W–Sn deposits. Our study on the …

Fluid-rock interaction is decisive for the formation of tungsten deposits

P Lecumberri-Sanchez, R Vieira, CA Heinrich… - …, 2017 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Tungsten mineralization is typically associated with reduced granitic magmas of crustal
origin. While this type of magmatism is widespread, economic tungsten deposits are highly …

[HTML][HTML] Co-genetic formation of scheelite-and wolframite-bearing quartz veins in the Chuankou W deposit, South China: Evidence from individual fluid inclusion and …

WS Li, P Ni, JY Pan, B De Vivo, S Albanese, MS Fan… - Ore Geology …, 2022 - Elsevier
The large-scale Chuankou W deposit is located in the north part of the Nanling metallogenic
belt, South China. It comprises independent quartz vein-type scheelite and wolframite …

13. Tracing Fluid Origin, Transport and Interaction in the Crust

CJ Ballentine, R Burgess, B Marty - Rev. Mineral. Geochem, 2002 - degruyter.com
We detail here the general concepts behind using noble gases as a tracer of crustal fluid
processes and illustrate these concepts with examples applied to oil-gas-groundwater …

Comparison of fluid processes in coexisting wolframite and quartz from a giant vein-type tungsten deposit, South China: Insights from detailed petrography and LA-ICP …

JY Pan, P Ni, RC Wang - American Mineralogist, 2019 - degruyter.com
Granite-related wolframite-quartz veins are the world's most important tungsten
mineralization and production resource. Recent progress in revealing their hydrothermal …

Fluid fractionation of tungsten during granite–pegmatite differentiation and the metal source of peribatholitic W quartz veins: Evidence from the Karagwe-Ankole Belt …

N Hulsbosch, MC Boiron, S Dewaele… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2016 - Elsevier
The identification of a magmatic source for granite-associated rare metal (W, Nb, Ta and Sn)
mineralisation in metasediment-hosted quartz veins is often obscured by intense fluid–rock …

Magmatic fractionation and the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in rare metal granites: Evidence from Argemela (Central Portugal)

JAS Michaud, M Pichavant - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Rare Metal Granites (RMGs) are highly evolved intrusions with specific
geochemical signatures that are the result of combined magmatic and hydrothermal …

Chemical and boron isotopic composition of hydrothermal tourmaline from the Panasqueira W-Sn-Cu deposit, Portugal

MS Codeço, P Weis, RB Trumbull, F Pinto… - Chemical …, 2017 - Elsevier
Tourmaline is a locally abundant hydrothermal mineral in the wallrocks surrounding the W-
Sn-Cu mineralized veins in the Panasqueira deposit (Portugal) and a minor phase within the …

Multiple fluids involved in granite-related W-Sn deposits from the world-class Jiangxi province (China)

H Legros, A Richard, A Tarantola, K Kouzmanov… - Chemical …, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper aims at providing new insights into W-Sn ore-forming processes within one of the
largest granitic provinces in the world (Nanling Range, South China), which was emplaced …

Tracing metal sources in peribatholitic hydrothermal W deposits based on the chemical composition of wolframite: The example of the Variscan French Massif Central

M Harlaux, J Mercadier, C Marignac, C Peiffert… - Chemical …, 2018 - Elsevier
We present a complete dataset for major, minor and trace elements in wolframite ([Fe, Mn]
WO 4) based on the example of several peribatholitic hydrothermal W deposits located in …