The development of the copula in child English: The lightness of be
The dissertation summarized here provides an account of the fact that young children
acquiring English (around age 2) often produce utterances like (1), in which they omit a form …
acquiring English (around age 2) often produce utterances like (1), in which they omit a form …
[ספר][B] Categorial features
P Panagiotidis - 2015 -
Proposing a novel theory of parts of speech, this book discusses categorization from a
methodological and theoretical point a view. It draws on discoveries and insights from a …
methodological and theoretical point a view. It draws on discoveries and insights from a …
[ספר][B] Unaccusative syntax in Russian
SA Harves - 2002 -
This dissertation investigates the syntax of unaccusativity in Russian. Although
unaccusativity is typically understood to be a property holding solely of intransitive …
unaccusativity is typically understood to be a property holding solely of intransitive …
NP-ellipsis with adjectival remnants: a micro-comparative perspective
Two strategies of NP-ellipsis have been identified in the literature:(a) the elision strategy,
and (b) the pronominalization strategy. The former has been said to be dependent on the …
and (b) the pronominalization strategy. The former has been said to be dependent on the …
Contrastive focus and nominal ellipsis in Spanish
L Eguren - Lingua, 2010 - Elsevier
In this paper formal accounts of nominal ellipsis are compared with information-structural
approaches in the light of Spanish data. It is first shown that empty nominals in this language …
approaches in the light of Spanish data. It is first shown that empty nominals in this language …
Categorial features and categorizers
EP Panagiotidis - 2011 -
Categorizing heads, aka categorizers, like n and v are the elements that make nouns and
verbs in approaches embracing syntactic decomposition. In this paper they are claimed to …
verbs in approaches embracing syntactic decomposition. In this paper they are claimed to …
Anaphoric One and NP‐Ellipsis
Traditional accounts take anaphoric one to be a pro‐form appearing instead of a full noun
(Jackendoff 1977, Ross 1967, and Hornstein & Lightfoot 1981, among others). I propose that …
(Jackendoff 1977, Ross 1967, and Hornstein & Lightfoot 1981, among others). I propose that …
The design of semi-lexicality
H Klockmann - Evidence from Case and Agreement in the …, 2017 -
The Design of Semi-lexicality Page 1 220 460 Heidi Klockmann The Design of Semi-lexicality
Semi-lexicality refers to lexical items which show both lexical and functional properties …
Semi-lexicality refers to lexical items which show both lexical and functional properties …
Pronominal inflection and NP ellipsis in German
Indefinite and possessive pronouns in German such as ein-es 'one'and mein-er 'mine'bear
strong inflectional endings unlike their determiner counterparts. Following Saab and Lipták …
strong inflectional endings unlike their determiner counterparts. Following Saab and Lipták …
[HTML][HTML] Adjectives exist, adjectivisers do not: a bicategorial typology
This paper examines how adjectives are derived within a featural system comprising only
two categories. It argues that adjectivisers, a heads, do not exist, leaving the repertory of …
two categories. It argues that adjectivisers, a heads, do not exist, leaving the repertory of …