The development of the copula in child English: The lightness of be

M Becker - Annual review of language acquisition, 2002‏ -
The dissertation summarized here provides an account of the fact that young children
acquiring English (around age 2) often produce utterances like (1), in which they omit a form …

[ספר][B] Categorial features

P Panagiotidis - 2015‏ -
Proposing a novel theory of parts of speech, this book discusses categorization from a
methodological and theoretical point a view. It draws on discoveries and insights from a …

[ספר][B] Unaccusative syntax in Russian

SA Harves - 2002‏ -
This dissertation investigates the syntax of unaccusativity in Russian. Although
unaccusativity is typically understood to be a property holding solely of intransitive …

NP-ellipsis with adjectival remnants: a micro-comparative perspective

N Corver, M Van Koppen - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2011‏ - Springer
Two strategies of NP-ellipsis have been identified in the literature:(a) the elision strategy,
and (b) the pronominalization strategy. The former has been said to be dependent on the …

Contrastive focus and nominal ellipsis in Spanish

L Eguren - Lingua, 2010‏ - Elsevier
In this paper formal accounts of nominal ellipsis are compared with information-structural
approaches in the light of Spanish data. It is first shown that empty nominals in this language …

Categorial features and categorizers

EP Panagiotidis - 2011‏ -
Categorizing heads, aka categorizers, like n and v are the elements that make nouns and
verbs in approaches embracing syntactic decomposition. In this paper they are claimed to …

Anaphoric One and NP‐Ellipsis

A Llombart‐Huesca - Studia linguistica, 2002‏ - Wiley Online Library
Traditional accounts take anaphoric one to be a pro‐form appearing instead of a full noun
(Jackendoff 1977, Ross 1967, and Hornstein & Lightfoot 1981, among others). I propose that …

The design of semi-lexicality

H Klockmann - Evidence from Case and Agreement in the …, 2017‏ -
The Design of Semi-lexicality Page 1 220 460 Heidi Klockmann The Design of Semi-lexicality
Semi-lexicality refers to lexical items which show both lexical and functional properties …

Pronominal inflection and NP ellipsis in German

A Murphy - The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 2018‏ - Springer
Indefinite and possessive pronouns in German such as ein-es 'one'and mein-er 'mine'bear
strong inflectional endings unlike their determiner counterparts. Following Saab and Lipták …

[HTML][HTML] Adjectives exist, adjectivisers do not: a bicategorial typology

M Mitrović, P Panagiotidis - Glossa: a journal of general …, 2020‏ -
This paper examines how adjectives are derived within a featural system comprising only
two categories. It argues that adjectivisers, a heads, do not exist, leaving the repertory of …