Applications of machine learning to behavioral sciences: focus on categorical data
In the last two decades, advancements in artificial intelligence and data science have
attracted researchers' attention to machine learning. Growing interests in applying machine …
attracted researchers' attention to machine learning. Growing interests in applying machine …
Tinjauan literatur bersistematik: Faktor burnout dalam kalangan Guru
SA Jose, M Effendi, EM Matore - Malaysian Journal of Social …, 2021 -
Kerjaya sebagai seorang guru sememangnya memberikan pulangan yang memuaskan
namun ia juga merupakan kerjaya yang amat mencabar. Dengan masa kerja yang tidak …
namun ia juga merupakan kerjaya yang amat mencabar. Dengan masa kerja yang tidak …
Mental issues, internet addiction and quality of life predict burnout among Hungarian teachers: a machine learning analysis
G Feher, K Kapus, A Tibold, Z Banko, G Berke… - BMC Public Health, 2024 - Springer
Background Burnout is usually defined as a state of emotional, physical, and mental
exhaustion that affects people in various professions (eg physicians, nurses, teachers). The …
exhaustion that affects people in various professions (eg physicians, nurses, teachers). The …
Interpretable machine learning approach to predicting electric vehicle buying decisions
To address the problem of climate change emissions from the transport sector, many
countries are promoting electric vehicles (EVs). To support such efforts, it is essential to …
countries are promoting electric vehicles (EVs). To support such efforts, it is essential to …
Work-related burnout among public secondary school teachers is significantly influenced by the psychosocial work factors: a cross-sectional study from Ethiopia
AA Belay, KA Gasheya, GT Engdaw, GG Kabito… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Introduction Work-related burnout (WRB) is the degree of physical and psychological fatigue
and exhaustion perceived by individuals as related to their work. Even though the condition …
and exhaustion perceived by individuals as related to their work. Even though the condition …
Non-technical losses detection in energy consumption focusing on energy recovery and explainability
B Coma-Puig, J Carmona - Machine Learning, 2022 - Springer
Non-technical losses (NTL) is a problem that many utility companies try to solve, often using
black-box supervised classification algorithms. In general, this approach achieves good …
black-box supervised classification algorithms. In general, this approach achieves good …
Síndrome de Burnout en profesores de escuelas de países latinoamericanos
EE Santa Cruz Flores, JE Rojas Jaimes… - … de Prevención de …, 2021 - SciELO Espana
La prevención de riesgos laborales es una tarea que deben atender las organizaciones
para evitar problemas ocupacionales que impacten en la salud, el desempeño laboral y el …
para evitar problemas ocupacionales que impacten en la salud, el desempeño laboral y el …
Evaluating machine learning algorithms to detect employees' attrition
N Khalifa, M Alnasheet… - 2022 3rd International …, 2022 -
Employees' Attrition has become a well-known concept among organizations in the recent
years, and it is a problem that leads to many issues within organizations. Companies can …
years, and it is a problem that leads to many issues within organizations. Companies can …
[PDF][PDF] Predictive Analysis Research for Workplace Job Risks and Burnout of Public Health and Safety Inspectors Amid the Global Climate Crisis
I Adamopoulos, A Valamontes, G Dounias - 2025 -
The increasing severity of climate-related workplace hazards poses a significant challenge
to occupational health and safety. Public Health and Safety Inspectors are particularly …
to occupational health and safety. Public Health and Safety Inspectors are particularly …
[PDF][PDF] Predicting Workplace Hazard, Stress and Burnout Among Public Health Inspectors: An AI-driven Analysis in the Context of Climate Change
I Adamopoulos, A Valamontes, P Tsirkas, G Dounias - 2025 -
The increasing severity of climate-related workplace hazards challenges occupational
health and safety, particularly for Public Health and Safety Inspectors. Exposure to extreme …
health and safety, particularly for Public Health and Safety Inspectors. Exposure to extreme …