[KNIHA][B] Security beyond the state: Private security in international politics
R Abrahamsen, MC Williams - 2010 - books.google.com
Across the globe, from mega-cities to isolated resource enclaves, the provision and
governance of security takes place within assemblages that are de-territorialized in terms of …
governance of security takes place within assemblages that are de-territorialized in terms of …
Comparison of social resistance to Ebola response in Sierra Leone and Guinea suggests explanations lie in political configurations not culture
Abstract Sierra Leone and Guinea share broadly similar cultural worlds, straddling the
societies of the Upper Guinea Coast with Islamic West Africa. There was, however, a notable …
societies of the Upper Guinea Coast with Islamic West Africa. There was, however, a notable …
Formalizing artisanal gold mining under the Minamata convention: Previewing the challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa
This article contributes to a growing body of literature which explores how the Minamata
Convention on Mercury is influencing the development of artisanal and small-scale mining …
Convention on Mercury is influencing the development of artisanal and small-scale mining …
Introduction: The young people and agriculture 'problem'in Africa
In introducing this collection of articles we argue that policy framing and policy responses to
the 'problem'of young people and agriculture in Africa are hampered by a lack of research …
the 'problem'of young people and agriculture in Africa are hampered by a lack of research …
[KNIHA][B] Childhood deployed: Remaking child soldiers in Sierra Leone
S Shepler - 2014 - library.oapen.org
Childhood Deployed examines the reintegration of former child soldiers in Sierra Leone.
Based on eighteen months of participant-observer ethnographic fieldwork and ten years of …
Based on eighteen months of participant-observer ethnographic fieldwork and ten years of …
Agriculture and artisanal gold mining in Sierra Leone: alternatives or complements?
This article explores a number of the productivity and marketing difficulties that are hindering
the establishment of sustainable livelihoods in small‐scale agriculture in Sierra Leone. The …
the establishment of sustainable livelihoods in small‐scale agriculture in Sierra Leone. The …
IFAD research series 48: Rural youth, today and tomorrow
B White - Today and Tomorrow (April 3, 2020), 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
What would it mean to develop a youth-inclusive agricultural and rural development
agenda? Agriculture, and particularly smallholder farming, remains the single largest source …
agenda? Agriculture, and particularly smallholder farming, remains the single largest source …
Ebola and public authority: saving loved ones in Sierra Leone
It is unclear how public authorities shaped responses to Ebola in Sierra Leone. Focusing on
one village, we analyze what happened when “staff, stuff, space, and systems” were absent …
one village, we analyze what happened when “staff, stuff, space, and systems” were absent …
[PDF][PDF] Literature review: Youth agency, peacebuilding and education
Executive summary This Literature Review on Youth Agency, Peacebuilding and Education
is part of the work of the Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding, supported …
is part of the work of the Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding, supported …
Tackling youth unemployment in sub-Saharan Africa: Is there a role for artisanal and small-scale mining?
This paper argues that a formalized and supported artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM)
sector could assist immeasurably with reducing the intensity of the youth unemployment …
sector could assist immeasurably with reducing the intensity of the youth unemployment …