Coral‐bleaching responses to climate change across biological scales
The global impacts of climate change are evident in every marine ecosystem. On coral reefs,
mass coral bleaching and mortality have emerged as ubiquitous responses to ocean …
mass coral bleaching and mortality have emerged as ubiquitous responses to ocean …
Molecular ecology meets systematic conservation planning
Integrative and proactive conservation approaches are critical to the long-term persistence
of biodiversity. Molecular data can provide important information on evolutionary processes …
of biodiversity. Molecular data can provide important information on evolutionary processes …
A decade of seascape genetics: contributions to basic and applied marine connectivity
Seascape genetics, a term coined in 2006, is a fast growing area of population genetics that
draws on ecology, oceanography and geography to address challenges in basic …
draws on ecology, oceanography and geography to address challenges in basic …
Evolving spatial conservation prioritization with intraspecific genetic data
Spatial conservation prioritization (SCP) is a planning framework used to identify new
conservation areas on the basis of the spatial distribution of species, ecosystems, and their …
conservation areas on the basis of the spatial distribution of species, ecosystems, and their …
Oceanic differences in coral-bleaching responses to marine heatwaves
Anomalously high ocean temperatures have increased in frequency, intensity, and duration
over the last several decades because of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global …
over the last several decades because of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global …
Operationalizing ecological connectivity in spatial conservation planning with Marxan Connect
Globally, protected areas are being established to protect biodiversity and to promote
ecosystem resilience. The typical spatial conservation planning process leading to the …
ecosystem resilience. The typical spatial conservation planning process leading to the …
Identifying the key biophysical drivers, connectivity outcomes, and metapopulation consequences of larval dispersal in the sea
Background Population connectivity, which is essential for the persistence of benthic marine
metapopulations, depends on how life history traits and the environment interact to influence …
metapopulations, depends on how life history traits and the environment interact to influence …
Asymmetric oceanographic processes mediate connectivity and population genetic structure, as revealed by RAD seq, in a highly dispersive marine invertebrate …
Marine populations are typically characterized by weak genetic differentiation due to the
potential for long‐distance dispersal favouring high levels of gene flow. However, strong …
potential for long‐distance dispersal favouring high levels of gene flow. However, strong …
Integrating regional conservation priorities for multiple objectives into national policy
Multinational conservation initiatives that prioritize investment across a region invariably
navigate trade-offs among multiple objectives. It seems logical to focus where several …
navigate trade-offs among multiple objectives. It seems logical to focus where several …
[PDF][PDF] Oceanography and Marine Biology
G Clams - Oceanography and marine biology: An annual …, 2017 -
Africa to the Pitcairn Islands (32 E to 128 W), and from southern Japan to Western Australia
(24 N to 15 S). Geographic distribution of the 12 currently recognized species is not even …
(24 N to 15 S). Geographic distribution of the 12 currently recognized species is not even …