Advanced business process management in networked E-business scenarios

P Grefen, O Turetken - International Journal of E-Business Research …, 2017 -
In the modern economy, we see a shift towards networked business scenarios. In many
contemporary situations, the operation of multiple organizations is tightly coupled in …

[HTML][HTML] Towards modelling and analyzing timed workflow systems with complex synchronizations

A Hamdani, A Abdelli - Journal of King Saud University-Computer and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Nowadays, workflow systems are becoming very complex, involving time constraints,
priorities on tasks as well as elaborated synchronization schemes. As a result, the …

Towards the meta-modeling of complex inter-organisationnel collaborative processes

K Semar-Bitah, K Boukhalfa - International Journal of E-Business …, 2019 -
Enterprises are progressively embedded in business to business atmospheres, in order to
achieve their common business objectives. Such collaborations lead to Inter-Organizational …

A path detecting method to analyze the interactive compatibility of service processes based on WS‐BPEL

Q Hu, M Liu, Z Zhao, J Du - Concurrency and Computation …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Petri nets are frequently used formal tools to analyze the compatibility of interactive service
processes described by Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS‐BPEL) …

The cooperation of multiple actors within process models: an automated planning approach

B Heinrich, A Schiller, D Schön - Journal of Decision Systems, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
In many business processes, multiple actors such as different employees, departments or
companies are involved. These actors need to work together and form appropriate …

[HTML][HTML] Analysis and comparison of role-based interorganizational workflows for a construction project

J Jiang, J Chen, R Zheng, Y Zhou - Applied Sciences, 2019 -
The implementation process of construction projects is an iterative process of continuous
modification and improvement among participant organizations. Traditional workflow …

An approach based on hierarchical petri nets for the verification of interconnected bpel processes

B Saida, A Zaia - … Journal of Information System Modeling and …, 2018 -
This article describes an MDE approach for transformation from BPEL specifications to WF-
nets models for verifying behavioral properties on IOWF (Inter-Organizational Workflow) …

[PDF][PDF] Using the RTPN Model for the Modeling of Complex Workflow Systems.

A Hamdani, A Abdelli - ICAASE, 2018 -
Dealing with synchronization in time constrained workflow is becoming a challenging issue.
In this paper, we present a modelling approach based on Petri nets formalism for timed …

Spécification et vérification des propriétés temporelles qualitatives et quantitatives des systèmes temps réel complexes

A Hamdani - 2023 -
L'analyse et la vérification des systèmes temps réels complexes permettent de répondre aux
questions liées, essentiellement, à la fiabilité et à la sûreté de fonctionnement de ces …

Why Lamarck dominates Darwin in explaining organizational change and evolution

TL Madsen, B McKelvey - Management in the Age of Digital …, 2021 -
Dynamic capabilities play a critical role in sha** a firm's co-evolutionary success. A
fundamental tension remains, however, between adaptation perspectives (Lamark) and …