The influence of emulsion structure and stability on lipid digestion
The digestion and metabolism of lipids continues to generate considerable scientific interest,
with food emulsions increasingly being seen as a mechanism by which lipid uptake may be …
with food emulsions increasingly being seen as a mechanism by which lipid uptake may be …
Neuroanatomy and pathology of sporadic Parkinson's disease
H Braak, K Del Tredici - 2008 - books.google.com
The synucleinopathy sporadic Parkinson's disease (sPD) is the second most frequent
degenerative disorder of the human nervous system after Alzheimer's disease. The …
degenerative disorder of the human nervous system after Alzheimer's disease. The …
[PDF][PDF] Bedside ultrasound assessment of gastric content: an observational study Evaluation échographique du contenu gastrique au chevet du patient: une étude …
Résumé Objectif L'utilisation de l'echographie au chevet du patient pour evaluer le volume
et le contenu gastrique suscitent un intereˆt croissant. Certains auteurs ont suggere que …
et le contenu gastrique suscitent un intereˆt croissant. Certains auteurs ont suggere que …
Methods for measurement of gastric motility
There is an array of tests available to measure gastric motility. Some tests measure end
points, such as gastric emptying, that result from several different functions, whereas other …
points, such as gastric emptying, that result from several different functions, whereas other …
Imaging of gastrointestinal tract ailments
Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders comprise a diverse range of conditions that can significantly
reduce the quality of life and can even be life-threatening in serious cases. The development …
reduce the quality of life and can even be life-threatening in serious cases. The development …
Recent advances in measuring the effects of diet on gastrointestinal physiology: probing the “leaky gut” and application of real‐time ultrasound
There is a large pool of ideas in both mainstream and non‐mainstream medicine on how
diet can be manipulated in order to treat or prevent illnesses. Despite this, our …
diet can be manipulated in order to treat or prevent illnesses. Despite this, our …
Antral recirculation in the stomach during gastric mixing
We investigate flow in the stomach during gastric mixing using a numerical simulation with
an anatomically realistic geometry and free-surface flow modeling. Because of momentum …
an anatomically realistic geometry and free-surface flow modeling. Because of momentum …
Gastrointestinal tract modelling in health and disease
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the system of organs within multi-cellular animals that takes
in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste. The …
in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste. The …
Ultrasonography in diagnosing chronic pancreatitis: new aspects
The course and outcome is poor for most patients with pancreatic diseases. Advances in
pancreatic imaging are important in the detection of pancreatic diseases at early stages …
pancreatic imaging are important in the detection of pancreatic diseases at early stages …
[HTML][HTML] Gastrointestinal ultrasound in functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract-EFSUMB consensus statement
Abdominal ultrasonography and intestinal ultrasonography are widely used as first
diagnostic tools for investigating patients with abdominal symptoms, mainly for excluding …
diagnostic tools for investigating patients with abdominal symptoms, mainly for excluding …