[HTML][HTML] Founder takes all: density-dependent processes structure biodiversity
Density-dependent processes play a key role in the spatial structuring of biodiversity.
Specifically, interrelated demographic processes, such as gene surfing, high-density …
Specifically, interrelated demographic processes, such as gene surfing, high-density …
The impact of species concept on biodiversity studies
Species are defined using a variety of different operational techniques. While discussion of
the various methodologies has previously been restricted mostly to taxonomists, the …
the various methodologies has previously been restricted mostly to taxonomists, the …
Undiscovered bird extinctions obscure the true magnitude of human-driven extinction waves
Birds are among the best-studied animal groups, but their prehistoric diversity is poorly
known due to low fossilization potential. Hence, while many human-driven bird extinctions …
known due to low fossilization potential. Hence, while many human-driven bird extinctions …
[PDF][PDF] Predation and other factors currently limiting New Zealand forest birds
Holdaway (1989) described three phases of historical extinctions and declines in New
Zealand avifauna, the last of which (Group III, declining 1780–1986) was associated with …
Zealand avifauna, the last of which (Group III, declining 1780–1986) was associated with …
[KNJIGA][B] Systematics and taxonomy of Australian birds
L Christidis, W Boles - 2008 - books.google.com
Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds presents an up-to-date classification of
Australian birds. Building on the authors 1994 book, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of …
Australian birds. Building on the authors 1994 book, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of …
Ecosystem services analysis for the design of regenerative built environments
M Pedersen Zari - Building Research & Information, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract 'Neutral'environmental outcomes in terms of energy use, carbon emissions, waste
generation or water use are worthy but difficult targets in architectural and urban design …
generation or water use are worthy but difficult targets in architectural and urban design …
Magnitude and variation of prehistoric bird extinctions in the Pacific
The largest extinction event in the Holocene occurred on Pacific islands, where Late
Quaternary fossils reveal the loss of thousands of bird populations following human …
Quaternary fossils reveal the loss of thousands of bird populations following human …
Animal translocations: what are they and why do we do them?
For as long as people have been moving from one place to another, which is as long as
humans have been 'human', animals and plants have been moved with them, often hidden …
humans have been 'human', animals and plants have been moved with them, often hidden …
Hatching failure increases with severity of population bottlenecks in birds
JV Briskie, M Mackintosh - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2004 - pnas.org
Severe bottlenecks can reduce genetic diversity and increase inbreeding as individuals are
forced to mate with close relatives, but it is unknown at what minimum population size the …
forced to mate with close relatives, but it is unknown at what minimum population size the …
Extinction and endemism in the New Zealand avifauna
Aim Species belonging to higher taxa endemic to islands are more likely to go extinct
following human arrival. This selectivity may occur because more highly endemic island …
following human arrival. This selectivity may occur because more highly endemic island …