Religiosity and marital satisfaction
Marital satisfaction is the key to maintaining strong marriages and to ensure individual and
couple well-being, and one way to increase marital satisfaction is to educate people …
couple well-being, and one way to increase marital satisfaction is to educate people …
[BOK][B] Maneviyat yönelimli aile danışmanlığı: yaşantısal aile danışmanlığı çerçevesinde bir model önerisi
H Kılınçer - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Bu araştırmanın amacı, maneviyatın aile terapisine entegre edildiği bir model geliştirilerek
modelin etkili olup olmadığını ortaya koymaktır. Bu bağlamda Yaşantısal Aile Terapilerinden …
modelin etkili olup olmadığını ortaya koymaktır. Bu bağlamda Yaşantısal Aile Terapilerinden …
Marital Satisfaction of The Sandwich Generation in East Java
AC Harahap, FF Tantiani - KnE Social Sciences, 2023 - knepublishing.com
This study aimed to assess marital satisfaction in the sandwich generation in East Java. It
was conducted using quantitative methods based on the theory of Fowers and Olson, who …
was conducted using quantitative methods based on the theory of Fowers and Olson, who …
Religious orientation and optimism: a quantitative consideration within Pakistani context
The present study aimed to explore Religious Orientation and Optimism in Pakistani
religious groups particularly focusing on Muslims and Christians. The instruments used in …
religious groups particularly focusing on Muslims and Christians. The instruments used in …
Two‐year follow‐up of the efficacy of the prep training on Iranian newlyweds
The aim of the present study was to replicate the efficacy of the Prevention and Relationship
Education Program (PREP) training on marital satisfaction and dyadic adjustment among a …
Education Program (PREP) training on marital satisfaction and dyadic adjustment among a …
[PDF][PDF] Gender, Educational attainment and Marital Instability as Predictors of Religious Affiliation among married teaching staff of Nigerian Universities.
The study examines the influence of gender, educational attainment and marital instability
as predictors of religious affiliation among married teaching staff of Nigerian Universities …
as predictors of religious affiliation among married teaching staff of Nigerian Universities …
[BOK][B] Aileye Tutunmak Maneviyat Yönelimli Aile Danışmanlığı
H Kılınçer - 2022 - books.google.com
İnsan aile ilişkileri içerisinde kendi varoluşunu anlamlandırır. Sevme, sevilme, saygı, kabul
görme, ait olma, sosyalleşme gibi birçok ihtiyacı için aileye tutunur, aileden destek alır …
görme, ait olma, sosyalleşme gibi birçok ihtiyacı için aileye tutunur, aileden destek alır …
[PDF][PDF] Marital Satisfaction in Newly Married Women: A Two-Year Prospective Cohort Study from Iran
B Honarvar, H Rahgozar, S Niknejad… - Shiraz E-Medical …, 2024 - researchgate.net
Background: The transcendental society is characterized by cohesive, purpose-driven, and
flourishing families. To achieve this, marital satisfaction (MS) plays a crucial role in the lives …
flourishing families. To achieve this, marital satisfaction (MS) plays a crucial role in the lives …
Marital Satisfaction and Attachment Style: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence and Religious Commitment
DDS Moitinho - 2022 - digitalcommons.liberty.edu
Most couples enter marriage ho** to experience happiness and satisfaction. This study
acknowledges that spouses bring their worldviews, personalities, behaviors, and emotions …
acknowledges that spouses bring their worldviews, personalities, behaviors, and emotions …
Gambaran Tingkat Religiusitas Pada Pasien Pre Operasi Di Rumah Sakit Baladhika Husada (DKT) Kabupaten Jember
DR Apriliani - 2019 - repository.unej.ac.id
Pembedahan merupakan kegiatan pengobatan dengan cara menunjukkan bagian tubuh
yang akan ditangani dengan cara membuat suatu sayatan dan berakhir pada penjahitan …
yang akan ditangani dengan cara membuat suatu sayatan dan berakhir pada penjahitan …