Physical and chemical methods for reduction in aflatoxin content of feed and food
Aflatoxins (AFs) are among the most harmful fungal secondary metabolites imposing serious
health risks on both household animals and humans. The more frequent occurrence of …
health risks on both household animals and humans. The more frequent occurrence of …
Recent developments in high-quality drying of vegetables, fruits, and aquatic products
Fresh foods like vegetables, fruits, and aquatic products have high water activity and they
are highly heat-sensitive and easily degradable. Dehydration is one of the most common …
are highly heat-sensitive and easily degradable. Dehydration is one of the most common …
Advanced computational modelling for drying processes–A review
T Defraeye - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Drying is one of the most complex and energy-consuming chemical unit operations. R&D
efforts in drying technology have skyrocketed in the past decades, as new drivers emerged …
efforts in drying technology have skyrocketed in the past decades, as new drivers emerged …
Effect of air-drying temperature on physico-chemical properties, antioxidant capacity, colour and total phenolic content of red pepper (Capsicum annuum, L. var …
A Vega-Gálvez, K Di Scala, K Rodríguez… - Food chemistry, 2009 - Elsevier
Red pepper has been recognised as an excellent source of antioxidants, being rich in
ascorbic acid and other phytochemicals. Drying conditions, particularly temperature, leads to …
ascorbic acid and other phytochemicals. Drying conditions, particularly temperature, leads to …
Thermal processing and quality: Principles and overview
GB Awuah, HS Ramaswamy, A Economides - Chemical Engineering and …, 2007 - Elsevier
The food processing industry has matured over the years with an impressive record on
safety and a vibrant marketplace for new product development. Consumer demands for high …
safety and a vibrant marketplace for new product development. Consumer demands for high …
A review of recent advances in global optimization
This paper presents an overview of the research progress in deterministic global
optimization during the last decade (1998–2008). It covers the areas of twice continuously …
optimization during the last decade (1998–2008). It covers the areas of twice continuously …
Measurements of the proton and deuteron spin structure functions and
K Abe, T Akagi, PL Anthony, R Antonov, RG Arnold… - Physical Review D, 1998 - APS
Measurements are reported of the proton and deuteron spin structure functions g 1 p and g 1
d at beam energies of 29.1, 16.2, and 9.7 GeV, and g 2 p and g 2 d at a beam energy of 29.1 …
d at beam energies of 29.1, 16.2, and 9.7 GeV, and g 2 p and g 2 d at a beam energy of 29.1 …
An adaptive metaheuristic optimization approach for Tennessee Eastman process for an industrial fault tolerant control system
The Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP) is widely recognized as a standard reference for
assessing the effectiveness of fault detection and false alarm tracking methods in intricate …
assessing the effectiveness of fault detection and false alarm tracking methods in intricate …
Computer-aided food engineering
Computer-aided food engineering (CAFE) can reduce resource use in product, process and
equipment development, improve time-to-market performance, and drive high-level …
equipment development, improve time-to-market performance, and drive high-level …
Towards integrated performance evaluation of future packaging for fresh produce in the cold chain
Highlights•Packaging is a cost-effective, flexible way to improve fresh-produce cold
chains.•Complex trade-offs in package design ask for an integrated performance …
chains.•Complex trade-offs in package design ask for an integrated performance …