Biological effects and toxicity of diluted bitumen and its constituents in freshwater systems
Approximately 50 billion cubic meters of bitumen resides within the oil sands region of
Alberta, Canada. To facilitate the transport of bitumen from where it is extracted to where it is …
Alberta, Canada. To facilitate the transport of bitumen from where it is extracted to where it is …
Effect of evaporative weathering and oil-sediment interactions on the fate and behavior of diluted bitumen in marine environments. Part 1. Spill-related properties, oil …
The fate and behavior of diluted bitumen spilled in marine conditions has recently become a
topic of much interest, yet, only limited knowledge is available. One of the major issues of a …
topic of much interest, yet, only limited knowledge is available. One of the major issues of a …
Evaluation of Oil-Sediment Interactions and the Possibility of Oil Sinking in Marine Environments
217 One of the major unknowns with respect to the fate and behavior of spilled dilbit is its
state of buoyancy, particularly when mixed with sediments. What form do diluted bitumen …
state of buoyancy, particularly when mixed with sediments. What form do diluted bitumen …