Area-based conservation in the twenty-first century
Humanity will soon define a new era for nature—one that seeks to transform decades of
underwhelming responses to the global biodiversity crisis. Area-based conservation efforts …
underwhelming responses to the global biodiversity crisis. Area-based conservation efforts …
[HTML][HTML] Connectivity metrics for conservation planning and monitoring
Conservation plans increasingly include goals to maintain a connected network. For
example, planners might design a linkage between two conserved areas, or the parties to …
example, planners might design a linkage between two conserved areas, or the parties to …
[HTML][HTML] Construction and optimization strategy of ecological security pattern in a rapidly urbanizing region: A case study in central-south China
M Ding, W Liu, L **ao, F Zhong, N Lu, J Zhang… - Ecological …, 2022 - Elsevier
Rapid urbanization would lead to deterioration of the eco-environment and damage the
functioning of ecosystem services. Ecological security pattern (ESP) is one of important …
functioning of ecosystem services. Ecological security pattern (ESP) is one of important …
Spatiotemporal evaluation of the human footprint in Colombia: Four decades of anthropic impact in highly biodiverse ecosystems
The maintenance of biodiversity and the capacity of natural systems to provide goods and
services for people is affected on different levels by the intensity of human activities on …
services for people is affected on different levels by the intensity of human activities on …
Identification and optimization strategy of county ecological security pattern: A case study in the Loess Plateau, China
Y Fu, X Shi, J He, Y Yuan, L Qu - Ecological Indicators, 2020 - Elsevier
The construction of an ecological security pattern (ESP) is an effective measure to improve
the structure and function of ecosystems, maintain ecosystem services, and ensure …
the structure and function of ecosystems, maintain ecosystem services, and ensure …
Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats
Every year, many wild animals undertake long-distance migration to breed in the north,
taking advantage of seasonally high pulses in food supply, fewer parasites, and lower …
taking advantage of seasonally high pulses in food supply, fewer parasites, and lower …
[HTML][HTML] Protected area connectivity: Shortfalls in global targets and country-level priorities
Connectivity of protected areas (PAs) is crucial for meeting their conservation goals. We
provide the first global evaluation of countries' progress towards Aichi Target 11 of the …
provide the first global evaluation of countries' progress towards Aichi Target 11 of the …
[HTML][HTML] A multi-species approach for protected areas ecological network construction based on landscape connectivity
G Liang, H Niu, Y Li - Global Ecology and Conservation, 2023 - Elsevier
The establishment of ecological networks is crucial for biodiversity conservation, especially
at broad spatial scales. It is still challenging to develop an ecological network construction …
at broad spatial scales. It is still challenging to develop an ecological network construction …
An evaluation framework for designing ecological security patterns and prioritizing ecological corridors: Application in Jiangsu Province, China
S **ao, W Wu, J Guo, M Ou, SG Pueppke, W Ou… - Landscape …, 2020 - Springer
Context The major goal of ecological security patterns (ESPs) is to identify key ecological
sources and corridors, which play an important role in achieving regional sustainability …
sources and corridors, which play an important role in achieving regional sustainability …
Integrating ecosystem services and rocky desertification into identification of karst ecological security pattern
J Gao, F Du, L Zuo, Y Jiang - Landscape Ecology, 2021 - Springer
Context Most researchers focus on the identification of ecological security pattern. However,
there is a lack of research on the ecological security pattern of karst fragile area with …
there is a lack of research on the ecological security pattern of karst fragile area with …