Exploiting co-adaptation for the design of symbiotic neuroprosthetic assistants
The success of brain–machine interfaces (BMI) is enabled by the remarkable ability of the
brain to incorporate the artificial neuroprosthetic 'tool'into its own cognitive space and use it …
brain to incorporate the artificial neuroprosthetic 'tool'into its own cognitive space and use it …
Electrically elicited visual evoked potentials in Argus II retinal implant wearers
Purpose.: We characterized electrically elicited visual evoked potentials (eVEPs) in Argus II
retinal implant wearers. Methods.: eVEPs were recorded in four subjects, and analyzed by …
retinal implant wearers. Methods.: eVEPs were recorded in four subjects, and analyzed by …
Characterisation and functional map** of surface potentials in the rat dorsal column nuclei
Key points The brainstem dorsal column nuclei (DCN) process sensory information arising
from the body before it reaches the brain and becomes conscious. Despite significant …
from the body before it reaches the brain and becomes conscious. Despite significant …
Peripheral nerve activation evokes machine-learnable signals in the dorsal column nuclei
The brainstem dorsal column nuclei (DCN) are essential to inform the brain of tactile and
proprioceptive events experienced by the body. However, little is known about how …
proprioceptive events experienced by the body. However, little is known about how …
Iäkkään kuntoutuminen ja tekoäly: RehabScreen-työkalun kehittäminen ja pilotointi
J Edgren, J Hautakangas, M Järvensivu - 2025 - julkari.fi
Sosiaali-ja terveyspalvelujen haasteisiin, kuten kiristyvään taloudelliseen tilanteeseen ja
kasvavaan henkilöstöpulaan, kaivataan uusia innovatiivisia keinoja. Ennaltaehkäiseviin ja …
kasvavaan henkilöstöpulaan, kaivataan uusia innovatiivisia keinoja. Ennaltaehkäiseviin ja …
Dorsal Column Nuclei Neural Signal Features Permit Robust Machine-Learning of Natural Tactile-and Proprioception-Dominated Stimuli
Neural prostheses enable users to effect movement through a variety of actuators by
translating brain signals into movement control signals. However, to achieve more natural …
translating brain signals into movement control signals. However, to achieve more natural …
Develo** and evaluating a flexible wireless microcoil array based integrated interface for epidural cortical stimulation
Stroke leads to serious long-term disability. Electrical epidural cortical stimulation has made
significant improvements in stroke rehabilitation therapy. We developed a preliminary …
significant improvements in stroke rehabilitation therapy. We developed a preliminary …
Pulsed near infrared laser stimulates the rat visual cortex in vivo
ZX Mou, WS Hou, XL Zheng, JP Yao, GB Shang… - Biocybernetics and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Pulsed infrared irradiation is an alternative neural stimulation with the advantages of being
non-contact, spatially precise and artifact-free. Although infrared neural stimulation (INS) is …
non-contact, spatially precise and artifact-free. Although infrared neural stimulation (INS) is …
Novel neural signal features permit robust machine-learning of natural tactile-and proprioception-dominated dorsal column nuclei signals
Neural prostheses enable users to effect movement through a variety of actuators by
translating brain signals into movement control signals. However, to achieve more natural …
translating brain signals into movement control signals. However, to achieve more natural …
[หนังสือ][B] Integrating robotic action with biologic perception: a brain-machine symbiosis theory
B Mahmoudi - 2010 - search.proquest.com
In patients with motor disability the natural cyclic flow of information between the brain and
external environment is disrupted by their limb impairment. Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) …
external environment is disrupted by their limb impairment. Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) …