Introduction to holographic superconductor models
In the last years it has been shown that some properties of strongly coupled
superconductors can be potentially described by classical general relativity living in one …
superconductors can be potentially described by classical general relativity living in one …
[BUKU][B] Holographic quantum matter
A comprehensive overview of holographic methods in quantum matter, written by pioneers
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …
Introduction to holographic superconductors
GT Horowitz - From Gravity to Thermal Gauge Theories: The AdS/CFT …, 2011 - Springer
These lectures give an introduction to the theory of holographic superconductors. These are
superconductors that have a dual gravitational description using gauge/gravity duality. After …
superconductors that have a dual gravitational description using gauge/gravity duality. After …
Zero temperature limit of holographic superconductors
We consider holographic superconductors whose bulk description consists of gravity
minimally coupled to a Maxwell field and charged scalar field with general potential. We give …
minimally coupled to a Maxwell field and charged scalar field with general potential. We give …
Quantum criticality and holographic superconductors in M-theory
JP Gauntlett, J Sonner, T Wiseman - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 - Springer
We present a consistent Kaluza-Klein truncation of D= 11 supergravity on an arbitrary seven-
dimensional Sasaki-Einstein space (SE 7) to a D= 4 theory containing a metric, a gauge …
dimensional Sasaki-Einstein space (SE 7) to a D= 4 theory containing a metric, a gauge …
Analytic calculation of properties of holographic superconductors
G Siopsis, J Therrien - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 - Springer
We calculate analytically properties of holographic superconductors in the probe limit. We
analyze the range 1/2< Δ< 3, where Δ is the dimension of the operator that condenses. We …
analyze the range 1/2< Δ< 3, where Δ is the dimension of the operator that condenses. We …
Analytic holographic superconductor
CP Herzog - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2010 - APS
We investigate a holographic superconductor that admits an analytic treatment near the
phase transition. In the dual 3+ 1-dimensional field theory, the phase transition occurs when …
phase transition. In the dual 3+ 1-dimensional field theory, the phase transition occurs when …
[HTML][HTML] On Holographic p-wave Superfluids with Back-reaction
We numerically construct asymptotically Anti-de Sitter charged black hole solutions of (4+ 1)-
dimensional SU (2) Einstein–Yang–Mills theory that, for sufficiently low temperature …
dimensional SU (2) Einstein–Yang–Mills theory that, for sufficiently low temperature …
Quantum critical lines in holographic phases with (un) broken symmetry
A bstract All possible scaling IR asymptotics in homogeneous, translation invariant
holographic phases preserving or breaking a U (1) symmetry in the IR are classified. Scale …
holographic phases preserving or breaking a U (1) symmetry in the IR are classified. Scale …
Holographic superconductors in dimensions away from the probe limit
Y Brihaye, B Hartmann - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2010 - APS
We study holographic superconductors in 3+ 1 dimensions away from the probe limit, ie
taking backreaction of the space-time into account. We consider the case of pure Einstein …
taking backreaction of the space-time into account. We consider the case of pure Einstein …