[HTML][HTML] Size-dependent phononic thermal transport in low-dimensional nanomaterials
The reduced dimensionality makes low-dimensional nanomaterials possessing diverse
unusual size-dependent transport properties, due to the distinct quantum confinement …
unusual size-dependent transport properties, due to the distinct quantum confinement …
Colloquium: Phononic thermal properties of two-dimensional materials
Following the emergence of many novel two-dimensional (2D) materials beyond graphene,
interest has grown in exploring implications for fundamental physics and practical …
interest has grown in exploring implications for fundamental physics and practical …
Revealing molecular-level surface redox sites of controllably oxidized black phosphorus nanosheets
Bulk and two-dimensional black phosphorus are considered to be promising battery
materials due to their high theoretical capacities of 2,600 mAh g− 1. However, their rate and …
materials due to their high theoretical capacities of 2,600 mAh g− 1. However, their rate and …
Two-dimensional WS 2/MoS 2 heterostructures: Properties and applications
Y Chen, M Sun - Nanoscale, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
The successful fabrication of WS2/MoS2 heterostructures provides more possibilities for
optoelectronic and thermoelectric applications than graphene because of their direct …
optoelectronic and thermoelectric applications than graphene because of their direct …
Recent progress of two-dimensional heterostructures for thermoelectric applications
PZ Jia, JP ** and strain in graphene/ heterostructures
It is important to study the van der Waals interface in emerging vertical heterostructures
based on layered two-dimensional (2D) materials. Being atomically thin, 2D materials are …
based on layered two-dimensional (2D) materials. Being atomically thin, 2D materials are …
Solid‐state thermal control devices
Over the past decade, solid‐state thermal control devices have emerged as potential
candidates for enhanced thermal management and storage. They distinguish themselves …
candidates for enhanced thermal management and storage. They distinguish themselves …