Contrasting effects of temperature and precipitation change on amphibian phenology, abundance and performance

GF Ficetola, L Maiorano - Oecologia, 2016 - Springer
Climate change is determining a generalized phenological advancement, and amphibians
are among the taxa showing the strongest phenological responsiveness to warming …

N-mixture models reliably estimate the abundance of small vertebrates

GF Ficetola, B Barzaghi, A Melotto, M Muraro… - Scientific Reports, 2018 -
Accurate measures of species abundance are essential to identify conservation strategies. N-
mixture models are increasingly used to estimate abundance on the basis of species counts …

Passive acoustic monitoring effectively detects Northern Spotted Owls and Barred Owls over a range of forest conditions

LS Duchac, DB Lesmeister, KM Dugger, ZJ Ruff… - The Condor, 2020 -
Passive acoustic monitoring using autonomous recording units (ARUs) is a fast-growing
area of wildlife research especially for rare, cryptic species that vocalize. Northern Spotted …

Relicts in the mist: Two new frog families, genera and species highlight the role of Pantepui as a biodiversity museum throughout the Cenozoic

A Fouquet, PJR Kok, RS Recoder, I Prates… - Molecular Phylogenetics …, 2024 - Elsevier
The iconic mountains of the Pantepui biogeographical region host many early-diverging
endemic animal and plant lineages, concurring with Conan Doyle's novel about an ancient …

[HTML][HTML] Conservation planning for Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in smaller rivers of the Ganga River Basin, India

GC Das, AA Usmani, SP Sharma, S Guha, SZ Ali… - Global Ecology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The complex and dynamic networks of river system, vital for the maintenance of biodiversity
and ecosystem services, are under pressure due to human-induced water stress disrupting …

N-mixture models provide informative crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) abundance estimates in dynamic environments

JAL Barão-Nóbrega, M González-Jaurégui, R Jehle - PeerJ, 2022 -
Estimates of animal abundance provide essential information for population ecological
studies. However, the recording of individuals in the field can be challenging, and accurate …

Testing accuracy and agreement among multiple versions of automated bat call classification software

KR Goodwin, EH Gillam - Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Passive acoustic monitoring is a common method of studying bats that involves recording
echolocation calls of bats in their natural environment. Call sequences are then identified to …

Clearing up the crystal ball: Understanding uncertainty in future climate suitability projections for amphibians

AJ Zellmer, P Slezak, TS Katz - Herpetologica, 2020 -
Amphibian populations are threatened globally, and one of the hypotheses for these
declines is climate change. Species distribution models are frequently used to predict …

Recent and future threats to the Endangered Cuban toad Peltophryne longinasus: potential additive impacts of climate change and habitat loss

ME Cobos, RA Bosch - Oryx, 2018 -
Habitat loss and climate change are major threats to amphibian species worldwide. We
combined niche modelling under various climatic scenarios with analysis of habitat loss and …

Habitat and population structure of the Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico

JAL Barão-Nóbrega - 2021 -
The Yucatan Peninsula (YP) is one of the most recognizable parts of Mexico and is well
known as one of the significant areas in Mesoamerica which supported the Mayan …