Contrasting effects of temperature and precipitation change on amphibian phenology, abundance and performance
Climate change is determining a generalized phenological advancement, and amphibians
are among the taxa showing the strongest phenological responsiveness to warming …
are among the taxa showing the strongest phenological responsiveness to warming …
N-mixture models reliably estimate the abundance of small vertebrates
Accurate measures of species abundance are essential to identify conservation strategies. N-
mixture models are increasingly used to estimate abundance on the basis of species counts …
mixture models are increasingly used to estimate abundance on the basis of species counts …
Passive acoustic monitoring effectively detects Northern Spotted Owls and Barred Owls over a range of forest conditions
Passive acoustic monitoring using autonomous recording units (ARUs) is a fast-growing
area of wildlife research especially for rare, cryptic species that vocalize. Northern Spotted …
area of wildlife research especially for rare, cryptic species that vocalize. Northern Spotted …
Relicts in the mist: Two new frog families, genera and species highlight the role of Pantepui as a biodiversity museum throughout the Cenozoic
The iconic mountains of the Pantepui biogeographical region host many early-diverging
endemic animal and plant lineages, concurring with Conan Doyle's novel about an ancient …
endemic animal and plant lineages, concurring with Conan Doyle's novel about an ancient …
[HTML][HTML] Conservation planning for Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in smaller rivers of the Ganga River Basin, India
GC Das, AA Usmani, SP Sharma, S Guha, SZ Ali… - Global Ecology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The complex and dynamic networks of river system, vital for the maintenance of biodiversity
and ecosystem services, are under pressure due to human-induced water stress disrupting …
and ecosystem services, are under pressure due to human-induced water stress disrupting …
N-mixture models provide informative crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) abundance estimates in dynamic environments
Estimates of animal abundance provide essential information for population ecological
studies. However, the recording of individuals in the field can be challenging, and accurate …
studies. However, the recording of individuals in the field can be challenging, and accurate …
Testing accuracy and agreement among multiple versions of automated bat call classification software
KR Goodwin, EH Gillam - Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Passive acoustic monitoring is a common method of studying bats that involves recording
echolocation calls of bats in their natural environment. Call sequences are then identified to …
echolocation calls of bats in their natural environment. Call sequences are then identified to …
Clearing up the crystal ball: Understanding uncertainty in future climate suitability projections for amphibians
Amphibian populations are threatened globally, and one of the hypotheses for these
declines is climate change. Species distribution models are frequently used to predict …
declines is climate change. Species distribution models are frequently used to predict …
Recent and future threats to the Endangered Cuban toad Peltophryne longinasus: potential additive impacts of climate change and habitat loss
Habitat loss and climate change are major threats to amphibian species worldwide. We
combined niche modelling under various climatic scenarios with analysis of habitat loss and …
combined niche modelling under various climatic scenarios with analysis of habitat loss and …
Habitat and population structure of the Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico
JAL Barão-Nóbrega - 2021 - salford-repository.worktribe.com
The Yucatan Peninsula (YP) is one of the most recognizable parts of Mexico and is well
known as one of the significant areas in Mesoamerica which supported the Mayan …
known as one of the significant areas in Mesoamerica which supported the Mayan …