[HTML][HTML] Opportunistic maintenance for offshore wind farms with multiple-component age-based preventive dispatch
Abstract Operation & maintenance (O&M) costs account for a large portion of total life cycle
cost for onshore wind energy, and the amount is estimated to be more for offshore wind …
cost for onshore wind energy, and the amount is estimated to be more for offshore wind …
Optimal condition-based maintenance policy for multi-component repairable systems with economic dependence in a finite-horizon
W Zhang, X Zhang, S He, X Zhao, Z He - Reliability Engineering & System …, 2024 - Elsevier
Industrial production entails using numerous multi-component repairable systems (MCRS),
and the reliability of these systems is often affected by a varying level of degradation. To …
and the reliability of these systems is often affected by a varying level of degradation. To …
A model-based reinforcement learning approach for maintenance optimization of degrading systems in a large state space
Scheduling maintenance tasks based on the deteriorating process has often been
established on degradation models. However, the formulas of the degradation processes …
established on degradation models. However, the formulas of the degradation processes …
Copula-based multivariate renewal model for life-cycle analysis of civil infrastructure considering multiple dependent deterioration processes
Civil infrastructure is subjected to multiple deterioration processes (eg, gradual deterioration
and shock deterioration) caused by environmental exposure and extreme events during its …
and shock deterioration) caused by environmental exposure and extreme events during its …
Time‐based replacement policies for a fault tolerant system subject to degradation and two types of shocks
A single component nonrepairable system suffering from both an internal stochastic
degradation process and external random shocks is investigated in this paper. More …
degradation process and external random shocks is investigated in this paper. More …
Maintenance policy for a system with a weighted linear combination of degradation processes
This paper develops maintenance policies for a system under condition monitoring. We
assume that a number of defects may develop and the degradation process of each defect …
assume that a number of defects may develop and the degradation process of each defect …
Life cycle cost analysis considering multiple dependent degradation processes and environmental influence
This paper presents a life cycle cost model for systems subject to multiple dependent
degradation processes and environmental influence. Different from most existing studies …
degradation processes and environmental influence. Different from most existing studies …
A fuzzy decision support system for managing maintenance activities of critical components in manufacturing systems
İ Erozan - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
Management of critical components in manufacturing systems aims at managing
components with very low reliability or the highest risk which can cause disruptions in …
components with very low reliability or the highest risk which can cause disruptions in …
Optimization of preventive maintenance schedule of subway train components based on a game model from the perspective of failure risk
Q Tian, H Wang - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022 - Elsevier
With the sustainable development of urban transportation systems, the safety and economy
of subway trains have become important criteria. However, in the process of formulating the …
of subway trains have become important criteria. However, in the process of formulating the …
Reliability and maintenance analysis of coherent systems subject to aging and environmental shocks
In reliability engineering, each component of the system, in addition to internal failures, is
usually subject to lethal external shocks. Usually, the random shocks are produced by a …
usually subject to lethal external shocks. Usually, the random shocks are produced by a …