Space-division multiplexing for optical fiber communications
Research on space-division multiplexing (SDM) came to prominence in early 2010 being
primarily proposed as a means of multiplying the information-carrying capacity of optical …
primarily proposed as a means of multiplying the information-carrying capacity of optical …
On the performance stability of MCF-based SDM system affected by inter-core crosstalk fluctuation
The inter-core crosstalk (IC-XT) of multi-core fiber (MCF) limits the capacity of space division
multiplexing system (SDM) fundamentally. We develop a closed-form expression of the …
multiplexing system (SDM) fundamentally. We develop a closed-form expression of the …
Analysis of crosstalk in multicore fibers: statistical distributions and analytical expressions
K Ng, V Nazarov, S Kuchinsky, A Zakharian, MJ Li - Photonics, 2023 - mdpi.com
We present a study of multicore fiber (MCF) crosstalk using the coupled mode theory. We
derived a general closed-form simulation formula for the crosstalk of MCF under random …
derived a general closed-form simulation formula for the crosstalk of MCF under random …
[HTML][HTML] Short-reach MCF-based systems employing KK receivers and feedforward neural networks for ICXT mitigation
This paper proposes and evaluates the use of machine learning (ML) techniques for
mitigating the effect of the random inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) on 256 Gb/s short-reach …
mitigating the effect of the random inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) on 256 Gb/s short-reach …
DD-OOK multicore fiber systems impaired by intercore crosstalk and laser phase noise
Direct-detection on-off keying (DD-OOK) weakly-coupled multicore fiber (WC-MCF) systems
impaired by intercore crosstalk (ICXT) and laser phase noise are investigated numerically …
impaired by intercore crosstalk (ICXT) and laser phase noise are investigated numerically …
OTDR enabled multiple-loopback measurement of inter-core crosstalk in MCF
As a fundamental limiting factor in the space division multiplexing (SDM) system based on
weakly coupled multi-core fiber (MCF), inter-core crosstalk (IC-XT) requires measuring …
weakly coupled multi-core fiber (MCF), inter-core crosstalk (IC-XT) requires measuring …
Deep learning for BER prediction in optical connections impaired by inter-core crosstalk
Four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) signals transmission in short-haul intensity
modulation-direct detection datacenters connections supported by homogeneous weakly …
modulation-direct detection datacenters connections supported by homogeneous weakly …
On the use of feedforward neural networks to improve the intercore crosstalk tolerance in self-coherent MCF systems
An artificial neural network is investigated to improve the performance of self-coherent
weakly-coupled multicore fibre (WC-MCF) systems. Particularly, a feedforward neural …
weakly-coupled multicore fibre (WC-MCF) systems. Particularly, a feedforward neural …
In-service crosstalk monitoring in multicore fibers based on precoded DMT system
T Tong, M Zhang, Q Sun, M Tang - Optics Letters, 2021 - opg.optica.org
In-service crosstalk monitoring based on the precoding technique in a discrete multitone
(DMT) system is proposed and validated experimentally. The method relies on the ability of …
(DMT) system is proposed and validated experimentally. The method relies on the ability of …
Polarization misalignment between signal and crosstalk in direct detection WC-MCF systems
The impact of the polarization misalignment between the signal and the intercore crosstalk
(ICXT) on the performance of direct detection (DD) weakly coupled multicore fiber (WC …
(ICXT) on the performance of direct detection (DD) weakly coupled multicore fiber (WC …