The effects of soil freeze–thaw on soil aggregate breakdown and concomitant sediment flow in Prince Edward Island: A review
LM Edwards - Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2013 - cdnsciencepub.com
Edwards, LM 2013. The effects of soil freeze–thaw on soil aggregate breakdown and
concomitant sediment flow in Prince Edward Island: A review. Can. J. Soil Sci. 93: 459–472 …
concomitant sediment flow in Prince Edward Island: A review. Can. J. Soil Sci. 93: 459–472 …
[HTML][HTML] Spatiotemporal variations in snow and soil frost—A review of measurement techniques
Large parts of the northern hemisphere are covered by snow and seasonal frost. Climate
warming is affecting spatiotemporal variations of snow and frost, hence influencing …
warming is affecting spatiotemporal variations of snow and frost, hence influencing …
The timing of spring rehydration and its relation with the onset of wood formation in black spruce
A Turcotte, H Morin, C Krause, A Deslauriers… - Agricultural and Forest …, 2009 - Elsevier
Stem and root radius variations in black spruce were monitored between August 2004 and
October 2005 with automatic point dendrometers to determine if the timing of growth …
October 2005 with automatic point dendrometers to determine if the timing of growth …
Cover crop effects on infiltration, soil temperature, and soil moisture distribution in the Canadian Prairies
Excess root zone soil moisture resulting from annual precipitation in excess of crop water
requirements negatively affects crop yields. A field study was conducted in the 2005 and …
requirements negatively affects crop yields. A field study was conducted in the 2005 and …
Effect of soil warming and rainfall patterns on soil N cycling in Northern Europe
With climate change northern Europe is expected to experience extreme increase in air
temperatures, particularly during the winter months, influencing soil temperatures in these …
temperatures, particularly during the winter months, influencing soil temperatures in these …
Soil freezing and thawing processes affected by the different landscapes in the middle reaches of Heihe River Basin, Gansu, China
An understanding of soil freezing and thawing processes in seasonally frozen soil is
important for many agricultural and environmental issues, especially under different …
important for many agricultural and environmental issues, especially under different …
Shallow groundwater uptake and irrigation water redistribution within the potato root zone
Knowing the crop water uptake pattern and soil water movement within the root zone is
important for the optimum design of irrigation and drainage systems. The objective of this …
important for the optimum design of irrigation and drainage systems. The objective of this …
Sensible heat balance estimates of transient soil ice contents
Soil ice content is an important component for winter soil hydrology. The sensible heat
balance (SHB) method using measurements from heat pulse probes (HPPs) is a possible …
balance (SHB) method using measurements from heat pulse probes (HPPs) is a possible …
Complex permittivity model for time domain reflectometry soil water content sensing: II. Calibration
Despite numerous applications of time domain reflectometry (TDR), serious difficulties in
estimating accurate soil water contents under field conditions remain, especially in fine …
estimating accurate soil water contents under field conditions remain, especially in fine …
Modeling soil temperature, frost depth, and soil moisture redistribution in seasonally frozen agricultural soils
Soil freezing and thawing processes and soil moisture redistribution play a critical role in the
hydrology and microclimate of seasonally frozen agricultural soils. Accurate simulations of …
hydrology and microclimate of seasonally frozen agricultural soils. Accurate simulations of …