Current status of optical fiber biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology has effectively bolstered optic fiber sensing
in fields of life science, clinical diagnosis, medicine, food safety and so on. The current …
in fields of life science, clinical diagnosis, medicine, food safety and so on. The current …
Optical refractive index sensors with plasmonic and photonic structures: promising and inconvenient truth
Optical sensors are widely used for refractive index measurement in chemical, biomedical,
and food processing industries. Due to specific field distribution of the resonances, optical …
and food processing industries. Due to specific field distribution of the resonances, optical …
A review on optical fiber sensors for environmental monitoring
Environmental monitoring has become essential in order to deal with environmental
resources efficiently and safely in the realm of green technology. Environmental monitoring …
resources efficiently and safely in the realm of green technology. Environmental monitoring …
Applications of optical fiber sensor in pavement Engineering: A review
J Wang, Y Han, Z Cao, X Xu, J Zhang, F **ao - Construction and Building …, 2023 - Elsevier
Optical fiber sensor (OFS) is a commonly used tool to monitor the serviceability and integrity
of pavements. The earliest application of optical fiber sensors in the road can be traced back …
of pavements. The earliest application of optical fiber sensors in the road can be traced back …
Towards a uniform metrological assessment of grating-based optical fiber sensors: From refractometers to biosensors
A metrological assessment of grating-based optical fiber sensors is proposed with the aim of
providing an objective evaluation of the performance of this sensor category. Attention was …
providing an objective evaluation of the performance of this sensor category. Attention was …
Biosensing with optical fiber gratings
Optical fiber gratings (OFGs), especially long-period gratings (LPGs) and etched or tilted
fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), are playing an increasing role in the chemical and biochemical …
fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), are playing an increasing role in the chemical and biochemical …
Tilted fiber Bragg grating sensors
Optical fiber gratings have developed into a mature technology with a wide range of
applications in various areas, including physical sensing for temperature, strain, acoustic …
applications in various areas, including physical sensing for temperature, strain, acoustic …
Optical vortices in fiber
Optical vortex beams, possessing spatial polarization or phase singularities, have intriguing
properties such as the ability to yield super-resolved spots under focussing, and the ability to …
properties such as the ability to yield super-resolved spots under focussing, and the ability to …
Fiber Bragg grating technology fundamentals and overview
KO Hill, G Meltz - Journal of lightwave technology, 1997 -
The historical beginnings of photosensitivity and fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology are
recounted. The basic techniques for fiber grating fabrication, their characteristics, and the …
recounted. The basic techniques for fiber grating fabrication, their characteristics, and the …
Fiber grating sensors
We review the recent developments in the area of optical fiber grating sensors, including
quasi-distributed strain sensing using Bragg gratings, systems based on chirped gratings …
quasi-distributed strain sensing using Bragg gratings, systems based on chirped gratings …