Tools for evaluating educational apps for young children: a systematic review of the literature
S Papadakis - Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose This study, by critically analyzing material from multiple sources, aims to provide an
overview of what is available on evaluation tools for educational apps for children. To realize …
overview of what is available on evaluation tools for educational apps for children. To realize …
COVID-19 and the use of digital technology in mathematics education
MS Alabdulaziz - Education and Information Technologies, 2021 - Springer
Once the COVID-19 crisis is over, will everything” return to normal” or will we instead witness
an ongoing boom in online learning? A time of crisis is an opportunity for all education …
an ongoing boom in online learning? A time of crisis is an opportunity for all education …
Retos y oportunidades de la tecnología móvil en la educación física.
J Díaz Barahona - Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de …, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
La educación física (EF) y su profesorado están llamados a seguir procesos de inmersión
digital, voluntarios o involuntarios, asociados al consumo masivo de medios y servicios …
digital, voluntarios o involuntarios, asociados al consumo masivo de medios y servicios …
Use of Nearpod as interactive learning method
Active and interactive learning provide students a platform to enhance knowledge and
learning experiences. Student engagement and interaction especially in large class setting …
learning experiences. Student engagement and interaction especially in large class setting …
[PDF][PDF] Factors affecting students' continuance intention to use teaching performance assessment application from technology continuance theory
This study aims to determine university students' continuance intention in using an android-
based teaching performance assessment (TPA) application. For the data gathering …
based teaching performance assessment (TPA) application. For the data gathering …
[PDF][PDF] Digital assessment resources in primary and secondary school classrooms: Teachers' use and perceptions
This short article reports on teachers' use and perception of digital assessment recourses in
primary school classroom. A total of eighteen primary school teachers participated in the …
primary school classroom. A total of eighteen primary school teachers participated in the …
Construction and Exploration of an Intelligent Evaluation System for Educational APP through Artificial Intelligence Technology.
J Tang, L Hai - International Journal of Emerging …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
To improve the evaluation accuracy of educational applications (APPs), the evaluation
methods of educational APPs under artificial intelligence (AI) technology are explored. First …
methods of educational APPs under artificial intelligence (AI) technology are explored. First …
Diseño y validación de contenido de una rúbrica para medir el valor educativo de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles
Las aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles son cada vez más un recurso frecuentemente
utilizado en los diferentes escenarios educativos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el diseño y …
utilizado en los diferentes escenarios educativos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el diseño y …
[HTML][HTML] A tool for rating the value of health education mobile apps to enhance student learning (MARuL): development and usability study
Background: To realize the potential for mobile learning in clinical skills acquisition, medical
students and their teachers should be able to evaluate the value of an app to support …
students and their teachers should be able to evaluate the value of an app to support …
Edmodo untuk meningkatkan kualitas perencanaan proyek dan efektivitas pembelajaran di lingkungan pembelajaran yang bersifat asinkron
AbstrakPengintegrasian produk Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) di dalam
pembelajaran asinkron merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk meningkatkan keahlian …
pembelajaran asinkron merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk meningkatkan keahlian …