Nudging robots: innovative solutions to regulate artificial intelligence
There is a pervading sense of unease that artificially intelligent machines will soon radically
alter our lives in ways that are still unknown. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) …
alter our lives in ways that are still unknown. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) …
Trial by machine
A Roth - Geo. LJ, 2015 - HeinOnline
Referring to the" Drunk-O-Meter," a then-recently invented gadget for proving a driver's
alcohol impairment, one legal scholar wrote in 1953 that"[t] he age-old dream of man has …
alcohol impairment, one legal scholar wrote in 1953 that"[t] he age-old dream of man has …
The solution to the pervasive bias and discrimination in the criminal justice system: transparent and fair artificial intelligence
Algorithms are increasingly used in the criminal justice system for a range of important
matters, including determining the sentence that should be imposed on offenders; whether …
matters, including determining the sentence that should be imposed on offenders; whether …
[KNJIGA][B] The effective and ethical development of artificial intelligence: an opportunity to improve our wellbeing
Artificial Intelligence Page 1 The effective and ethical development of artificial intelligence: An
opportunity to improve our wellbeing. Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies …
opportunity to improve our wellbeing. Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies …
[KNJIGA][B] Arguing on the Toulmin model
D Hitchcock, B Verheij - 2006 - Springer
Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation David Hitchcock and Bart Verheij (Eds.) Page 2 …
Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation David Hitchcock and Bart Verheij (Eds.) Page 2 …
[HTML][HTML] Fairness and justice through automation in China's smart courts
**'s judicial reforms have placed the concepts of 'fairness' and 'justice'at the forefront,
coinciding with the integration of information technology and AI into all aspects of China's …
coinciding with the integration of information technology and AI into all aspects of China's …
Применение искусственного интеллекта в судебном процессе
ПМ Морхат - Вестник гражданского процесса, 2019 - elibrary.ru
Статья посвящена исследованию правовых, технических и фактических возмож ностей
задействования юнитов искусственного интеллекта в судебном процес се-как …
задействования юнитов искусственного интеллекта в судебном процес се-как …
Sentencing by computer: Enhancing sentencing transparency and predictability and (possibly) bridging the Gap between sentencing knowledge and practice
M Bagaric, G Wolf - Geo. Mason L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
Computer technology has profoundly changed both the law and legal practice and
continues to have a transformative impact on them. Initially, lawyers used computers to …
continues to have a transformative impact on them. Initially, lawyers used computers to …
Online dispute resolution in mediating EHR disputes: a case study on the impact of emotional intelligence
ABSTRACT An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an individual's record of all health events
that enables critical information to be documented and shared electronically amongst health …
that enables critical information to be documented and shared electronically amongst health …
Automating intervention in Chinese justice: Smart courts and supervision reform
S Papagianneas - Asian Journal of Law and Society, 2023 - cambridge.org
This article examines how smart courts enhance the reform of judicial responsibility and the
“trial supervision and management” mechanism. It holds that smart courts, while meant to …
“trial supervision and management” mechanism. It holds that smart courts, while meant to …