Seasonal variation in sex-specific immunity in wild birds

JO Valdebenito, N Halimubieke, ÁZ Lendvai… - Scientific reports, 2021 -
Whilst the immune system often varies seasonally and exhibits differences between males
and females, the general patterns in seasonality and sex differences across taxa have …

Dehydroepiandrosterone and Corticosterone Are Regulated by Season and Acute Stress in a Wild Songbird: Jugular Versus Brachial Plasma

AEM Newman, DS Pradhan, KK Soma - Endocrinology, 2008 -
Stress has well-known effects on adrenal glucocorticoid secretion, and chronic elevation of
glucocorticoids can have detrimental effects on the brain. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) …

Measuring energy expenditure in birds using bolus injections of 13C-labelled Na-bicarbonate

C Hambly, CC Voigt - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A …, 2011 - Elsevier
The 13C-labelled Na-bicarbonate technique uses stable isotopes to measure energy
expenditure in birds. After administration, the isotopes reach equilibrium within the body's …

Tracking the oxidative and nonoxidative fates of isotopically labeled nutrients in animals

MD McCue - BioScience, 2011 -
Exogenous nutrients do not diffuse throughout the body like a drop of dye in a beaker of
water. Rather, they are allocated among tissues according to physiological rules determined …

Bacteria-killing ability is negatively linked to epaulet size, but positively linked to baseline corticosterone, in male Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus)

L Merrill, SD Levinson, AL O'Loghlen… - The Auk …, 2014 -
Secondary sexual traits in males are thought to convey information about the quality of the
male to rivals and potential mates. Semi-static signals such as sexually selected plumage …

Sources of variation in baseline and stress-induced blood glucose levels in two free-living tropical passerine species

JM Pouadjeu, O Tomášek, O Kauzál… - Journal of Vertebrate …, 2023 - BioOne
Blood glucose plays an essential role in the body's energy metabolism; however, sources of
variation in baseline and stress-induced changes in glucose concentration remain poorly …

Mass gained during breeding positively correlates with adult survival because both reflect life history adaptation to seasonal food availability

DTC Cox, W Cresswell - Oecologia, 2014 - Springer
Both mass (as a measure of body reserves) during breeding and adult survival should reflect
variation in food availability. Those species that are adapted to less seasonally variable …

Immune function in an avian brood parasite and its nonparasitic relative

L Merrill, AL O'Loghlen, JC Wingfield… - Physiological and …, 2013 -
Organisms that breed multiple times must trade off resources between current and future
reproduction. In many species, sexual selection can lead to reduced levels of immune …

Marine foraging and annual fish consumption of a south polar skua population in the maritime Antarctic

S Hahn, MS Ritz, K Reinhardt - Polar Biology, 2008 - Springer
Pelagic fish are an important component of Antarctic food webs but few quantitative data
exist on energy transfer from fish to seabirds for the Seasonal Pack-ice Zone. We studied a …

Winter Detection of an Eastern Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis) Fledgling and of Pair Formation Using Thermal Imaging

TW Olsen, GA Apte, T Barron, CJ Butler - Waterbirds, 2024 - BioOne
The Eastern Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis) is a subspecies that winters
mainly along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts of the United States. Declines in Eastern Black …