Spatial modeling with R‐INLA: A review
Coming up with Bayesian models for spatial data is easy, but performing inference with them
can be challenging. Writing fast inference code for a complex spatial model with realistically …
can be challenging. Writing fast inference code for a complex spatial model with realistically …
[HTML][HTML] Landslide susceptibility maps of Italy: Lesson learnt from dealing with multiple landslide types and the uneven spatial distribution of the national inventory
Landslide susceptibility corresponds to the probability of landslide occurrence across a
given geographic space. This probability is usually estimated by using a binary classifier …
given geographic space. This probability is usually estimated by using a binary classifier …
[KNIHA][B] Advanced spatial modeling with stochastic partial differential equations using R and INLA
Modeling spatial and spatio-temporal continuous processes is an important and challenging
problem in spatial statistics. Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential …
problem in spatial statistics. Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential …
[HTML][HTML] Space-time landslide predictive modelling
Landslides are nearly ubiquitous phenomena and pose severe threats to people, properties,
and the environment in many areas. Investigators have for long attempted to estimate …
and the environment in many areas. Investigators have for long attempted to estimate …
Advances in statistical modeling of spatial extremes
The classical modeling of spatial extremes relies on asymptotic models (ie, max‐stable or r‐
Pareto processes) for block maxima or peaks over high thresholds, respectively. However, at …
Pareto processes) for block maxima or peaks over high thresholds, respectively. However, at …
Spatiotemporal wildfire modeling through point processes with moderate and extreme marks
The supplementary material contains the following: a PDF document containing plots for the
inspection of posterior predictive densities, plots showing regionalized predictions, kernel …
inspection of posterior predictive densities, plots showing regionalized predictions, kernel …
Spatial extremes
The health consequences of climate variability and change are diverse, potentially affecting
the burden of a wide range of health outcomes, including illnesses and deaths related to …
the burden of a wide range of health outcomes, including illnesses and deaths related to …
Geostatistical modeling to capture seismic‐shaking patterns from earthquake‐induced landslides
We investigate earthquake‐induced landslides using a geostatistical model featuring a
latent spatial effect (LSE). The LSE represents the spatially structured residuals in the data …
latent spatial effect (LSE). The LSE represents the spatially structured residuals in the data …
Analyzing stochastic computer models: A review with opportunities
Analyzing Stochastic Computer Models: A Review with Opportunities Page 1 Statistical
Science 2022, Vol. 37, No. 1, 64–89 https://doi.org/10.1214/21-STS822 © Institute of …
Science 2022, Vol. 37, No. 1, 64–89 https://doi.org/10.1214/21-STS822 © Institute of …
Practical strategies for generalized extreme value‐based regression models for extremes
The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is the only possible limiting distribution of
properly normalized maxima of a sequence of independent and identically distributed …
properly normalized maxima of a sequence of independent and identically distributed …