Colloquium: Non-Markovian dynamics in open quantum systems

HP Breuer, EM Laine, J Piilo, B Vacchini - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2016 - APS
The dynamical behavior of open quantum systems plays a key role in many applications of
quantum mechanics, examples ranging from fundamental problems, such as the …

Quantum channels and memory effects

F Caruso, V Giovannetti, C Lupo, S Mancini - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2014 - APS
Any physical process can be represented as a quantum channel map** an initial state to a
final state. Hence it can be characterized from the point of view of communication theory, ie …

Non-Markovianity and reservoir memory of quantum channels: a quantum information theory perspective

B Bylicka, D Chruściński, S Maniscalco - Scientific reports, 2014 -
Quantum technologies rely on the ability to coherently transfer information encoded in
quantum states along quantum channels. Decoherence induced by the environment sets …

Quantifying non-Markovianity via correlations

S Luo, S Fu, H Song - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2012 - APS
In the study of open quantum systems, memory effects are usually ignored, and this leads to
dynamical semigroups and Markovian dynamics. However, in practice, non-Markovian …

Fast charging of a quantum battery assisted by noise

S Ghosh, T Chanda, S Mal, A Sen - Physical Review A, 2021 - APS
We investigate the performance of a quantum battery exposed to local Markovian and non-
Markovian dephasing noises. The battery is initially prepared as the ground state of a one …

Non-Markovianity of local dephasing channels and time-invariant discord

P Haikka, TH Johnson, S Maniscalco - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular …, 2013 - APS
We study non-Markovianity and information flow for qubits experiencing local dephasing
with an Ohmic class spectrum. We demonstrate the existence of a temperature-dependent …

Comparative study of non-Markovianity measures in exactly solvable one-and two-qubit models

C Addis, B Bylicka, D Chruściński, S Maniscalco - Physical Review A, 2014 - APS
In this paper we present a detailed critical study of several recently proposed non-
Markovianity measures. We analyze their properties for single-qubit and two-qubit systems …

Non-Markovian thermal operations boosting the performance of quantum heat engines

K Ptaszyński - Physical Review E, 2022 - APS
It is investigated whether non-Markovianity, ie, the memory effects resulting from the
coupling of the system to its environment, can be beneficial for the performance of quantum …

Experimental observation of weak non-Markovianity

NK Bernardes, A Cuevas, A Orieux, CH Monken… - Scientific reports, 2015 -
Non-Markovianity has recently attracted large interest due to significant advances in its
characterization and its exploitation for quantum information processing. However, up to …

Measuring non-Markovianity of processes with controllable system-environment interaction

JS Tang, CF Li, YL Li, XB Zou, GC Guo… - Europhysics …, 2012 -
Non-Markovian processes have recently become a central topic in the study of open
quantum systems. We realize experimentally non-Markovian decoherence processes of …