Energy management system based on economic Flexi-reliable operation for the smart distribution network including integrated energy system of hydrogen storage …

H Liang, S Pirouzi - Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper presents the energy management of smart distribution network including
integrated system of hydrogen storage and renewable sources. Objective is to assess …

Capabilities of compressed air energy storage in the economic design of renewable off-grid system to supply electricity and heat costumers and smart charging-based …

F Khalafian, N Iliaee, E Diakina, P Parsa… - Journal of Energy …, 2024 - Elsevier
The study presents the sizing of a hybrid renewable islanded system that can feed both
electrical and thermal energy simultaneously. The aforementioned energies are generated …

Challenges and opportunities of FACTS devices interacting with electric vehicles in distribution networks: A technological review

A Mousaei, M Gheisarnejad, MH Khooban - Journal of energy storage, 2023 - Elsevier
Electric vehicles have many opportunities to participate in auxiliary operations as research
interest in renewables and green energy sources grows. This paper discusses novel energy …

Low carbon solar-based sustainable energy system planning for residential buildings

Y Noorollahi, R Zahedi, E Ahmadi, A Khaledi - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2025 - Elsevier
Demand-side policy support has a significant role in energy systems. System profitability will
widely hinge on planning and programming under conventional systems with no support. On …

Stationary and mobile storages-based renewable off-grid system planning considering storage degradation cost based on information-gap decision theory …

MR Jokar, S Shahmoradi, AH Mohammed… - Journal of Energy …, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper presents the planning of a hybrid renewable system with wind turbines and bio-
waste energy units along with stationary (ie, batteries) and mobile (ie, electric vehicles) …

Operation of smart distribution networks by considering the spatial–temporal flexibility of data centers and battery energy storage systems

K Taghizad-Tavana, M Tarafdar-Hagh… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a new framework for Smart Distribution Networks (SDN) operation by
leveraging data centers' spatial–temporal flexibility. Combining this flexibility with Battery …

Bi-level configuration and operation collaborative optimization of shared hydrogen energy storage system for a wind farm cluster

C Xu, X Wu, Z Shan, Q Zhang, B Dang, Y Wang… - Journal of Energy …, 2024 - Elsevier
Energy storage is indispensable to achieve dispatchable and reliable power generation
through renewable sources. As a kind of long-duration energy storage, hydrogen energy …

Optimal placement of distributed generation and distributed automation in the distribution grid based on operation, reliability, and economic objective of distribution …

S Pirouzi, M Zadehbagheri, S Behzadpoor - Electrical Engineering, 2024 - Springer
This paper presents the formulation of the simultaneous planning of distributed generations
(DGs) and automatic distribution according to the goals of reliability, operation, and …

Conceptual design and optimization of integrating renewable energy sources with hydrogen energy storage capabilities

Q Zhao, A Basem, HO Shami, K Mausam… - International journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Systems are inherently tied to uncertainty, which necessitates the development of
designs and schedules that accommodate this unpredictability. Particularly in modern power …

An IGDT approach for the multi-objective framework of integrated energy hub with renewable energy sources, hybrid energy storage systems, and biomass-to …

P Van Phu, THB Huy, S Park, D Kim - Journal of Energy Storage, 2024 - Elsevier
The decarbonization of electric power systems plays a critical role in global endeavors to
mitigate climate change and facilitate the transition towards a sustainable energy future. In …