Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
The promise of quantum computers is that certain computational tasks might be executed
exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical processor 1. A fundamental …
exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical processor 1. A fundamental …
Reverse quantum annealing approach to portfolio optimization problems
We investigate a hybrid quantum-classical solution method to the mean-variance portfolio
optimization problems. Starting from real financial data statistics and following the principles …
optimization problems. Starting from real financial data statistics and following the principles …
Scaling advantage over path-integral Monte Carlo in quantum simulation of geometrically frustrated magnets
The promise of quantum computing lies in harnessing programmable quantum devices for
practical applications such as efficient simulation of quantum materials and condensed …
practical applications such as efficient simulation of quantum materials and condensed …
Quantum-enhanced markov chain monte carlo
Quantum computers promise to solve certain computational problems much faster than
classical computers. However, current quantum processors are limited by their modest size …
classical computers. However, current quantum processors are limited by their modest size …
Rare thermal bubbles at the many-body localization transition from the Fock space point of view
In this paper we study the many-body localization (MBL) transition and relate it to the
eigenstate structure in the Fock space. Besides the standard entanglement and multifractal …
eigenstate structure in the Fock space. Besides the standard entanglement and multifractal …
Fragile extended phases in the log-normal Rosenzweig-Porter model
In this paper, we suggest an extension of the Rosenzweig-Porter (RP) model, the LN-RP
model, in which the off-diagonal matrix elements have a wide, log-normal distribution. We …
model, in which the off-diagonal matrix elements have a wide, log-normal distribution. We …
Low-depth mechanisms for quantum optimization
One of the major application areas of interest for both near-term and fault-tolerant quantum
computers is the optimization of classical objective functions. In this work, we develop …
computers is the optimization of classical objective functions. In this work, we develop …
Multifractal dimensions for random matrices, chaotic quantum maps, and many-body systems
Multifractal dimensions allow for characterizing the localization properties of states in
complex quantum systems. For ergodic states the finite-size versions of fractal dimensions …
complex quantum systems. For ergodic states the finite-size versions of fractal dimensions …
Multifractal phase in the weighted adjacency matrices of random Erdös-Rényi graphs
We study the spectral properties of the adjacency matrix in the giant connected component
of Erdös-Rényi random graphs, with average degree p and randomly distributed hop** …
of Erdös-Rényi random graphs, with average degree p and randomly distributed hop** …
Non-Hermitian Rosenzweig-Porter random-matrix ensemble: Obstruction to the fractal phase
We study the stability of nonergodic but extended (NEE) phases in non-Hermitian systems.
For this purpose, we generalize the so-called Rosenzweig-Porter random-matrix ensemble …
For this purpose, we generalize the so-called Rosenzweig-Porter random-matrix ensemble …