Solar modulation of cosmic rays
MS Potgieter - Living Reviews in Solar Physics, 2013 - Springer
This is an overview of the solar modulation of cosmic rays in the heliosphere. It is a broad
topic with numerous intriguing aspects so that a research framework has to be chosen to …
topic with numerous intriguing aspects so that a research framework has to be chosen to …
Theory of cosmic ray transport in the heliosphere
Modelling the transport of cosmic rays (CRs) in the heliosphere represents a global
challenge in the field of heliophysics, in that such a study, if it were to be performed from first …
challenge in the field of heliophysics, in that such a study, if it were to be performed from first …
Explaining the GeV Antiproton Excess, GeV -Ray Excess, and -Boson Mass Anomaly in an Inert Two Higgs Doublet Model
CR Zhu, MY Cui, ZQ **a, ZH Yu, X Huang, Q Yuan… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
For the newly discovered W-boson mass anomaly, one of the simplest dark matter (DM)
models that can account for the anomaly without violating other astrophysical and …
models that can account for the anomaly without violating other astrophysical and …
A Markov stochastic process theory of cosmic-ray modulation
M Zhang - The Astrophysical Journal, 1999 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper introduces the use of Markov stochastic process theory to study heliospheric
modulation of cosmic rays. The basic cosmic-ray transport equation is reformulated with a …
modulation of cosmic rays. The basic cosmic-ray transport equation is reformulated with a …
A Hitch-hiker's Guide to stochastic differential equations: solution methods for energetic particle transport in space physics and astrophysics
In this review, an overview of the recent history of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) in
application to particle transport problems in space physics and astrophysics is given. The …
application to particle transport problems in space physics and astrophysics is given. The …
Cosmic rays at high heliolatitudes
B Heber, MS Potgieter - Space Science Reviews, 2006 - Springer
The Ulysses spacecraft has been the first to orbit the Sun over its poles and to explore the
heliosphere at these high heliolatitudes. It has now completed two fast latitude scans, one at …
heliosphere at these high heliolatitudes. It has now completed two fast latitude scans, one at …
Evidence for a time lag in solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays
The solar modulation effect of cosmic rays in the heliosphere is an energy-, time-, and
particle-dependent phenomenon that arises from a combination of basic particle transport …
particle-dependent phenomenon that arises from a combination of basic particle transport …
Modelling heliospheric current sheet drift in stochastic cosmic ray transport models
RD Strauss, MS Potgieter, I Büsching… - Astrophysics and Space …, 2012 - Springer
Drifts are one of the major cosmic ray modulation mechanisms in the heliosphere. Three
types of drifts occur in the background heliospheric magnetic field, namely curvature …
types of drifts occur in the background heliospheric magnetic field, namely curvature …
Solar and nuclear physics uncertainties in cosmic-ray propagation
N Tomassetti - Physical Review D, 2017 - APS
Recent data released by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment on the primary
spectra and secondary-to-primary ratios in cosmic rays (CRs) can pose tight constraints to …
spectra and secondary-to-primary ratios in cosmic rays (CRs) can pose tight constraints to …
Cosmic-ray diurnal anisotropy, 1936-1988-implications for drift and modulation theories
JW Bieber, J Chen - Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004 …, 1991 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Data from five neutron monitor stations and one ionization-chamber station are employed to
determine the variation of the cosmic-ray diurnal anisotropy over a time span exceeding 50 …
determine the variation of the cosmic-ray diurnal anisotropy over a time span exceeding 50 …