Hypergraph co-optimal transport: Metric and categorical properties
Hypergraphs capture multi-way relationships in data, and they have consequently seen a
number of applications in higher-order network analysis, computer vision, geometry …
number of applications in higher-order network analysis, computer vision, geometry …
Category-Theoretical and Topos-Theoretical Frameworks in Machine Learning: A Survey
Y Jia, G Peng, Z Yang, T Chen - ar** clustering algorithms as functors that factor through a category of …
Functorial manifold learning
D Shiebler - arxiv preprint arxiv:2011.07435, 2020 - arxiv.org
We adapt previous research on category theory and topological unsupervised learning to
develop a functorial perspective on manifold learning, also known as nonlinear …
develop a functorial perspective on manifold learning, also known as nonlinear …
Flattening multiparameter hierarchical clustering functors
D Shiebler - arxiv preprint arxiv:2104.14734, 2021 - arxiv.org
We bring together topological data analysis, applied category theory, and machine learning
to study multiparameter hierarchical clustering. We begin by introducing a procedure for …
to study multiparameter hierarchical clustering. We begin by introducing a procedure for …
Metric and Categorical Properties of Hypergraphs With Applications to Ecological Data
E Semrad - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Hypernetworks, sometimes called hypergraphs, generalize the concept of a graph by
allowing edges to join any number of vertices, gaining the ability to capture multi-way …
allowing edges to join any number of vertices, gaining the ability to capture multi-way …
[KNJIGA][B] 1, 2–Dithiolate Complexes of the Lanthanides and Actinides and High–Pressure Studies of F–Element Complexes
NB Beck - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The actinide elements are playing larger roles in modern life, finding uses in nuclear energy,
remote power sources, medical uses as radiotherapy isotopes, as well as in geological …
remote power sources, medical uses as radiotherapy isotopes, as well as in geological …