A literature survey on load frequency control considering renewable energy integration in power system: Recent trends and future prospects
The electrical power system has experienced several changes during the last decade,
raised by continuously increasing load demand, rapid depletion in fossil fuels, and newly …
raised by continuously increasing load demand, rapid depletion in fossil fuels, and newly …
[HTML][HTML] Frequency control challenges and potential countermeasures in future low-inertia power systems: A review
Due to the prolific integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) worldwide, power
system dynamics have been altered extensively. Conventionally, the rotating mass of the …
system dynamics have been altered extensively. Conventionally, the rotating mass of the …
Optimal virtual synchronous generator control of battery/supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for frequency response enhancement of photovoltaic/diesel …
Stability of microgrids became an important issue especially with increasing the penetration
of the inverter-based renewable energy sources (RESs) that characterized by their low …
of the inverter-based renewable energy sources (RESs) that characterized by their low …
Survey on microgrids frequency regulation: Modeling and control systems
The traditional power system structure is constantly changing due to the application of
renewable energy sources (RESs) and microgrids (MGs) into the power system network …
renewable energy sources (RESs) and microgrids (MGs) into the power system network …
Adaptive LFC incorporating modified virtual rotor to regulate frequency and tie-line power flow in multi-area microgrids
This research investigates a new coordination strategy for both isolated single-area and
interconnected multi-area microgrids (MGs) using a modified virtual rotor-based derivative …
interconnected multi-area microgrids (MGs) using a modified virtual rotor-based derivative …
Virtual inertia support in power systems for high penetration of renewables—overview of categorization, comparison, and evaluation of control techniques
By replacing conventional generation units with renewable energy sources (RESs), the
power system gains an alternate source of future power generation and a better …
power system gains an alternate source of future power generation and a better …
Multi-area load frequency regulation of a stochastic renewable energy-based power system with SMES using enhanced-WOA-tuned PID controller
This paper presents a novel nature-inspired meta-heuristic optimization algorithm known as
the Enhanced Whale Optimization Algorithm (EWOA), which imitates humpback whales' …
the Enhanced Whale Optimization Algorithm (EWOA), which imitates humpback whales' …
[HTML][HTML] A new virtual synchronous generator design based on the SMES system for frequency stability of low-inertia power grids
In light of the challenges of integrating more renewable energy sources (RESs) into the
utility grid, the virtual synchronous generator (VSG) will become an indispensable …
utility grid, the virtual synchronous generator (VSG) will become an indispensable …
An adaptive virtual inertia control design for energy storage devices using interval type-2 fuzzy logic and fractional order PI controller
M Sajadinia - Journal of Energy Storage, 2024 - Elsevier
This research paper introduces a novel methodology, referred to as the Optimal Self-Tuning
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Fractional Order Proportional Integral (OSTIT2F-FOPI) controller for …
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Fractional Order Proportional Integral (OSTIT2F-FOPI) controller for …
Computational methods to mitigate the effect of high penetration of renewable energy sources on power system frequency regulation: a comprehensive review
Depletion of fossil fuel, global warming, and their environmental pollution clarify the
importance of renewable energy sources (RESs). However, high penetration of RESs …
importance of renewable energy sources (RESs). However, high penetration of RESs …