[HTML][HTML] Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture
The contribution of small farms to local food supply, food security and food sovereignty is
widely acknowledged at a global level. In the particular case of Europe, they often are seen …
widely acknowledged at a global level. In the particular case of Europe, they often are seen …
Forest and agricultural land change in the Carpathian region—A meta-analysis of long-term patterns and drivers of change
Humans have altered land cover for centuries, and land-cover change is a main component
of global change. Land use transition trajectories, such as the forest transition theory (ie …
of global change. Land use transition trajectories, such as the forest transition theory (ie …
Monitoring invasive plant species using hyperspectral remote sensing data
The species richness and biodiversity of vegetation in Hungary are increasingly threatened
by invasive plant species brought in from other continents and foreign ecosystems. These …
by invasive plant species brought in from other continents and foreign ecosystems. These …
Agricultural growth and land use land cover change in peri-urban India
Varanasi district is comprised of eight administrative blocks. Owing to economic
development, it has shown an increase in urban activities. Analysis of remotely sensed data …
development, it has shown an increase in urban activities. Analysis of remotely sensed data …
European red list of grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets
A Hochkirch, A Nieto, M García Criado, M Cálix… - 2016 - openpub.fmach.it
The information and views set out in this publication are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the official opinion of IUCN and of the Commission. The Commission …
necessarily reflect the official opinion of IUCN and of the Commission. The Commission …
Agricultural land change in the Carpathian ecoregion after the breakdown of socialism and expansion of the European Union
Widespread changes of agricultural land use occurred in Eastern Europe since the collapse
of socialism and the European Union's eastward expansion, but the rates and patterns of …
of socialism and the European Union's eastward expansion, but the rates and patterns of …
Trends in the national and regional transitional dynamics of land cover and use changes in Romania
The crucial importance of land cover and use changes, components of the 'global changes',
for the worldwide sustainable and resilient development results from their negative influence …
for the worldwide sustainable and resilient development results from their negative influence …
[HTML][HTML] National level land-use changes in functional urban areas in Poland, Slovakia, and Czechia
A Wnęk, D Kudas, P Stych - Land, 2021 - mdpi.com
Land-use and cover change (LUCC) impacts global environmental changes. Therefore, it is
crucial to obtain cross-national level LUCC data that represents past and actual LUCC. As …
crucial to obtain cross-national level LUCC data that represents past and actual LUCC. As …
Patterns and drivers of scattered tree loss in agricultural landscapes: orchard meadows in Germany (1968-2009)
Scattered trees support high levels of farmland biodiversity and ecosystem services in
agricultural landscapes, but they are threatened by agricultural intensification, urbanization …
agricultural landscapes, but they are threatened by agricultural intensification, urbanization …
A process-based land use/land cover change assessment on a mountainous area of Greece during 1945–2009: Signs of socio-economic drivers
In the Mediterranean region, natural vegetation has been strongly affected by human
activities for thousands of years. During the last decades, there has been a notable tendency …
activities for thousands of years. During the last decades, there has been a notable tendency …