[HTML][HTML] Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture

N Guiomar, S Godinho, T Pinto-Correia, M Almeida… - Land use policy, 2018 - Elsevier
The contribution of small farms to local food supply, food security and food sovereignty is
widely acknowledged at a global level. In the particular case of Europe, they often are seen …

Forest and agricultural land change in the Carpathian region—A meta-analysis of long-term patterns and drivers of change

C Munteanu, T Kuemmerle, M Boltiziar, V Butsic… - Land use policy, 2014 - Elsevier
Humans have altered land cover for centuries, and land-cover change is a main component
of global change. Land use transition trajectories, such as the forest transition theory (ie …

Monitoring invasive plant species using hyperspectral remote sensing data

L Papp, B Van Leeuwen, P Szilassi, Z Tobak… - Land, 2021 - mdpi.com
The species richness and biodiversity of vegetation in Hungary are increasingly threatened
by invasive plant species brought in from other continents and foreign ecosystems. These …

Agricultural growth and land use land cover change in peri-urban India

SK Patel, P Verma, G Shankar Singh - Environmental monitoring and …, 2019 - Springer
Varanasi district is comprised of eight administrative blocks. Owing to economic
development, it has shown an increase in urban activities. Analysis of remotely sensed data …

European red list of grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

A Hochkirch, A Nieto, M García Criado, M Cálix… - 2016 - openpub.fmach.it
The information and views set out in this publication are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the official opinion of IUCN and of the Commission. The Commission …

Agricultural land change in the Carpathian ecoregion after the breakdown of socialism and expansion of the European Union

P Griffiths, D Müller, T Kuemmerle… - Environmental Research …, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
Widespread changes of agricultural land use occurred in Eastern Europe since the collapse
of socialism and the European Union's eastward expansion, but the rates and patterns of …

Trends in the national and regional transitional dynamics of land cover and use changes in Romania

AI Petrişor, I Sirodoev, I Ianoş - Remote Sensing, 2020 - mdpi.com
The crucial importance of land cover and use changes, components of the 'global changes',
for the worldwide sustainable and resilient development results from their negative influence …

[HTML][HTML] National level land-use changes in functional urban areas in Poland, Slovakia, and Czechia

A Wnęk, D Kudas, P Stych - Land, 2021 - mdpi.com
Land-use and cover change (LUCC) impacts global environmental changes. Therefore, it is
crucial to obtain cross-national level LUCC data that represents past and actual LUCC. As …

Patterns and drivers of scattered tree loss in agricultural landscapes: orchard meadows in Germany (1968-2009)

T Plieninger, C Levers, M Mantel, A Costa, H Schaich… - PLoS …, 2015 - journals.plos.org
Scattered trees support high levels of farmland biodiversity and ecosystem services in
agricultural landscapes, but they are threatened by agricultural intensification, urbanization …

A process-based land use/land cover change assessment on a mountainous area of Greece during 1945–2009: Signs of socio-economic drivers

F Xystrakis, T Psarras, N Koutsias - Science of the Total Environment, 2017 - Elsevier
In the Mediterranean region, natural vegetation has been strongly affected by human
activities for thousands of years. During the last decades, there has been a notable tendency …