Six decades of project management research: Thematic trends and future opportunities
Project management as a discipline possesses a rich body of literature characterized by
early determinism and later expansion to broader contexts aided by paradigmatic, thematic …
early determinism and later expansion to broader contexts aided by paradigmatic, thematic …
Defining project efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy
YJT Zidane, NOE Olsson - … Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2017 -
Purpose This paper studies how the concepts of efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy are
used in project management literature. The concepts relate to the degree of success or …
used in project management literature. The concepts relate to the degree of success or …
Critical success factors for World Bank projects: An empirical investigation
This paper analyzes the results of a survey that aims to explore World Bank project success
factors and specifically the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs) and project …
factors and specifically the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs) and project …
Towards a 'New Project Management'movement? An international development perspective
R Picciotto - International Journal of Project Management, 2020 - Elsevier
This article offers an international development perspective on project management. A brief
history of the ambitious and controversial role that projects have played over seven decades …
history of the ambitious and controversial role that projects have played over seven decades …
Project management for development in Africa: Why projects are failing and what can be done about it
LA Ika - Project management journal, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
This article discusses international development (ID) projects and project management
problems within ID in Africa and suggests they may fall into one or more of four main traps …
problems within ID in Africa and suggests they may fall into one or more of four main traps …
Adoption of project management practices: The impact on international development projects of non-governmental organizations
International Development (ID) projects carried out by Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) are considered one of the pillars for providing assistance to develo** countries …
(NGOs) are considered one of the pillars for providing assistance to develo** countries …
Cross-learning between project management and international development: Analysis and research agenda
Both project management and international development came of age as scholarly and
practice domains in the 20th century. They share a central concern with organizing work and …
practice domains in the 20th century. They share a central concern with organizing work and …
Impact of project monitoring and evaluation practices on construction project success criteria in Ghana
Purpose Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of projects is a very important aspect of project
execution and management. This is because proper M&E practices have a significant effect …
execution and management. This is because proper M&E practices have a significant effect …
Learning from international development projects: blending critical project studies and critical development studies
This article aims at making international development (ID) projects critical. To that end, it
shows that project management (PM) in ID has evolved as an offshoot of conventional PM …
shows that project management (PM) in ID has evolved as an offshoot of conventional PM …
[CARTE][B] The projectification of the public sector
Names: Hodgson, Damian E., editor.| Fred, Mats, editor. Title: The projectification of the
public sector/edited by Damian Hodgson, Mats Fred, Simon Bailey, and Patrik Hall …
public sector/edited by Damian Hodgson, Mats Fred, Simon Bailey, and Patrik Hall …