Do agronomic approaches aligned to regenerative agriculture improve the micronutrient concentrations of edible portions of crops? A sco** review of evidence
Regenerative Agriculture (RA) is used to describe nature-based agronomic approaches that
aim to build soil health and crop resilience, minimize negative environmental outcomes, and …
aim to build soil health and crop resilience, minimize negative environmental outcomes, and …
Energy budgeting and carbon footprints of zero-tilled pigeonpea–wheat crop** system under sole or dual crop basis residue mulching and Zn-fertilization in a semi …
Conventional agriculture is energy and carbon intensive. Single and double-crop basis
residue-mulching in zero-tilled crop-sequences may minimize carbon-footprint with …
residue-mulching in zero-tilled crop-sequences may minimize carbon-footprint with …
Integrated crop management technology for enhanced productivity, resource-use efficiency and soil health in legumes–A review
AK Choudhary, T Varatharajan… - The Indian Journal of …, 2020 - epubs.icar.org.in
Under impeding production–and resource–vulnerabilities in India, our approach to
agriculture needs to be redefined with inclination towards climate resilient integrated crop …
agriculture needs to be redefined with inclination towards climate resilient integrated crop …
Foliar nutrient supplementation with micronutrient-embedded fertilizer increases biofortification, soil biological activity and productivity of eggplant
Micronutrient malnutrition or hidden hunger remains a major global challenge for human
health and wellness. The problem results from soil micro-and macro-nutrient deficiencies …
health and wellness. The problem results from soil micro-and macro-nutrient deficiencies …
Foliar zinc fertilization improves yield, biofortification and nutrient-use efficiency of upland rice
Zinc (Zn) deficiency is an enormous challenge to human health, particularly where rice is the
principal food as it is inherently low in bioavailable Zn. Recent research has demonstrated …
principal food as it is inherently low in bioavailable Zn. Recent research has demonstrated …
Zero tillage, residue retention and system-intensification with legumes for enhanced pearl millet productivity and mineral biofortification
Pearl millet-based crop** systems with intensive tillage operations prior to sowing have
limited sustainable productivity in the low-irrigation conditions of semi-arid farming …
limited sustainable productivity in the low-irrigation conditions of semi-arid farming …
Sole-or dual-crop basis residue mulching and zn fertilization lead to improved productivity, rhizo-modulation and soil health in zero-tilled pigeonpea–wheat crop** …
Conventional tillage has led to deteriorated soil health in semi-arid ecologies of south Asia.
Sole-and dual-crop basis residue mulching in a predominant pigeonpea-wheat crop** …
Sole-and dual-crop basis residue mulching in a predominant pigeonpea-wheat crop** …
Triple-zero tillage and system intensification lead to enhanced productivity, micronutrient biofortification and moisture-stress tolerance ability in chickpea in a …
Pearlmillet-chickpea crop** system (PCCS) is emerging as an important sequence in
semi-arid regions of south-Asia owing to less water-requirement. However, chickpea (dry …
semi-arid regions of south-Asia owing to less water-requirement. However, chickpea (dry …
Natural farming: Is it safe to march ahead?
Due to the increasing global population, advancement in farming techniques to meet the
global food demand is the need of the hour. Conventional farming techniques have …
global food demand is the need of the hour. Conventional farming techniques have …
[HTML][HTML] No-tillage with residue retention and foliar sulphur nutrition enhances productivity, mineral biofortification and crude protein in rainfed pearl millet under Typic …
Yield limitation and widespread sulphur (S) deficiency in pearl-millet-nurturing dryland soils
has emerged as a serious threat to crop productivity and quality. Among diverse pathways to …
has emerged as a serious threat to crop productivity and quality. Among diverse pathways to …