Visuo-motor coordination and internal models for object interception
Intercepting and avoiding collisions with moving objects are fundamental skills in daily life.
Anticipatory behavior is required because of significant delays in transforming sensory …
Anticipatory behavior is required because of significant delays in transforming sensory …
Material perception
RW Fleming - Annual review of vision science, 2017 - annualreviews.org
Under typical viewing conditions, human observers effortlessly recognize materials and infer
their physical, functional, and multisensory properties at a glance. Without touching …
their physical, functional, and multisensory properties at a glance. Without touching …
[КНИГА][B] Linear causal modeling with structural equations
SA Mulaik - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Emphasizing causation as a functional relationship between variables, this book provides
comprehensive coverage on the basics of SEM. It takes readers through the process of …
comprehensive coverage on the basics of SEM. It takes readers through the process of …
Representing causation.
P Wolff - Journal of experimental psychology: General, 2007 - psycnet.apa.org
The dynamics model, which is based on L. Talmy's (1988) theory of force dynamics,
characterizes causation as a pattern of forces and a position vector. In contrast to …
characterizes causation as a pattern of forces and a position vector. In contrast to …
Representation of visual gravitational motion in the human vestibular cortex
How do we perceive the visual motion of objects that are accelerated by gravity? We
propose that, because vision is poorly sensitive to accelerations, an internal model that …
propose that, because vision is poorly sensitive to accelerations, an internal model that …
Influence of control/display ratio on the perception of mass of manipulated objects in virtual environments
This paper describes two psychophysical experiments which were conducted to evaluate
the influence of the control/display (C/D) ratio on the perception of mass of manipulated …
the influence of the control/display (C/D) ratio on the perception of mass of manipulated …
Intuitive physics and cognitive algebra: A review
M Vicovaro - European Review of Applied Psychology, 2021 - Elsevier
Introduction Intuitive physics explores how people without a formal instruction in physics
intuitively understand physical phenomena. After a general overview of the topics of current …
intuitively understand physical phenomena. After a general overview of the topics of current …
[HTML][HTML] Grounding intuitive physics in perceptual experience
M Vicovaro - Journal of Intelligence, 2023 - mdpi.com
This review article explores the foundation of laypeople's understanding of the physical
world rooted in perceptual experience. Beginning with a concise historical overview of the …
world rooted in perceptual experience. Beginning with a concise historical overview of the …
Shape, motion, and optical cues to stiffness of elastic objects
Nonrigid materials, such as jelly, rubber, or sponge move and deform in distinctive ways
depending on their stiffness. Which cues do we use to infer stiffness? We simulated cubes of …
depending on their stiffness. Which cues do we use to infer stiffness? We simulated cubes of …
The first time ever I saw your feet: Inversion effect in newborns' sensitivity to biological motion.
Inversion effect in biological motion perception has been recently attributed to an innate
sensitivity of the visual system to the gravity-dependent dynamic of the motion. However, the …
sensitivity of the visual system to the gravity-dependent dynamic of the motion. However, the …