Identification and prioritization of multidimensional resilience factors for incorporation in coastal state transportation infrastructure planning
Effective integration of resilience in transportation planning requires the identification and
prioritization of multifaceted resilience factors. In this study, an extensive review of the …
prioritization of multifaceted resilience factors. In this study, an extensive review of the …
Public transportation resilience towards climate change impacts: the case of Doha metro network
Since the mid of the past century, accelerated urbanization and rapid city expansion have
driven the development of extensive public transportation networks to facilitate mobility …
driven the development of extensive public transportation networks to facilitate mobility …
Assessing Resilience in Urban Critical Infrastructures: Interdependencies and Considerations
Cities have experienced significant population growth and economic value in recent
decades, resulting in the development of complex and interdependent infrastructures. These …
decades, resulting in the development of complex and interdependent infrastructures. These …
Optimizing transport frequency in multi-layered urban transportation networks for pandemic prevention
In this paper, we show how transport policy decisions regarding vehicle scheduling
frequency can affect the pandemic dynamics in urban populations. Specifically, we develop …
frequency can affect the pandemic dynamics in urban populations. Specifically, we develop …
Resilience assessment of transportation networks to climate change induced flooding: the case of doha highways network
Over the past decades, the rate and intensities of natural hazards have increased
significantly, attributed to the impacts of climate change. Simultaneously, the population …
significantly, attributed to the impacts of climate change. Simultaneously, the population …
Runoff uncertainty associated with global climate model chosen in regional climate modeling
Uncertain climatic projections result in uncertain runoff predictions, which lead to unreliable
water resources management and floods mitigation measures. This study investigates runoff …
water resources management and floods mitigation measures. This study investigates runoff …