eWOM credibility: a comprehensive framework and literature review

D Verma, PP Dewani - Online Information Review, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review on electronic word-
of-mouth (eWOM) credibility. Further, the authors propose a comprehensive and integrated …

[HTML][HTML] The metaverse in supply chain knowledge sharing and resilience contexts: an empirical investigation of factors affecting adoption and acceptance

PK Chen, Y Ye, X Huang - Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2023 - Elsevier
This study develops a conceptual framework based on the unified theory of acceptance and
use of technology, the network theory perspective, and metaverse characteristics. Data were …

A social network perspective on peer supported learning in MOOCs for educators

S Kellogg, S Booth, K Oliver - International Review of Research in Open …, 2014 - erudit.org
A recent phenomenon in the MOOC space has been the development of courses tailored to
educators serving in K-12 settings. MOOCs, particularly as a form of educator professional …

Referral campaigns for software startups: The impact of network characteristics on product adoption

F Eggers, H Risselada, T Niemand… - Journal of Business …, 2022 - Elsevier
This manuscript investigates if and how startups can utilize referral campaigns to increase
Internet enabled software adoption. It is analyzed how geographic proximity, tie strength and …

[CARTE][B] The Routledge handbook of language and digital communication

A Georgakopoulou, T Spilioti - 2016 - api.taylorfrancis.com
of-the-art overview of language-focused research on digital communication, taking stock and
registering the latest trends that set the agenda for future developments in this thriving and …

Affective temporal experiences and new work modalities: The role of Information and Communication Technologies

ED Zamani, K Spanaki - Journal of Business Research, 2023 - Elsevier
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, new ways of working emerged, such as fully remote to
hybrid work. As the restrictions with regards to the spatial dimension of work become less …

[PDF][PDF] Theoretical framework of the location of coworking spaces

I Mariotti, G Micek - Evolution of New working spaces: Changing …, 2024 - library.oapen.org
Location theory focuses on the optimal location choice determined by the attractiveness of
sites for firm location. This chapter reviews the location theories (neoclassical, behavioral …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of homophily on network formation

K Kim, J Altmann - Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical …, 2017 - Elsevier
Although there is much research on network formation based on the preferential attachment
rule, the research did not come up with a formula that, on the one hand, can reproduce …

The effects of virtual racial embodiment in a gaming app on reducing prejudice

E Behm-Morawitz, H Pennell… - Communication …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This research experimentally examined the effectiveness of the use of virtual racial
embodiment in a digital gaming application for reducing bias against a non-dominant group …

[PDF][PDF] Madeus, and authoring environment for interactive multimedia documents

M Jourdan, N Layaïda, C Roisin… - Proceedings of the sixth …, 1998 - dl.acm.org
Abstra~ b thispaper, we present the main rdts we have ob tained through our &xTtience in
designing~ d implementing JIadeus,~ authoring and presentation tool for interactive …