The n-tuple bandit evolutionary algorithm for automatic game improvement
This paper describes a new evolutionary algorithm that is especially well suited to AI-
Assisted Game Design. The approach adopted in this paper is to use observations of AI …
Assisted Game Design. The approach adopted in this paper is to use observations of AI …
Automated playtesting with a cognitive model of sensorimotor coordination
Playtesting is widely performed in the game industry to gauge the difficulty of a game. A
large number of test participants with different skills must be recruited for reliable test results …
large number of test participants with different skills must be recruited for reliable test results …
Exploring game space of minimal action games via parameter tuning and survival analysis
Game designers can use computer-aided game design methods to model how players may
experience the perceived difficulty of a game. We present methods to generate and analyze …
experience the perceived difficulty of a game. We present methods to generate and analyze …
Integrating automated play in level co-creation
In level co-creation an AI and human work together to create a video game level. One open
challenge in level co-creation is how to empower human users to ensure particular qualities …
challenge in level co-creation is how to empower human users to ensure particular qualities …
[PDF][PDF] A statistical analysis of player improvement and single-player high scores
We present the analytical and empirical probabilities of a player achieving a single-player
high score after playing a series of games. Using analytical probabilities, simulated game …
high score after playing a series of games. Using analytical probabilities, simulated game …
Score distribution analysis, artificial intelligence, and player modeling for quantitative game design
A Isaksen - 2017 -
We use score distribution data analysis, artificial intelligence, and player modeling to better
understand games and game design using quantitative techniques, for studying the …
understand games and game design using quantitative techniques, for studying the …
[PDF][PDF] Automatic Gametesting
M Steurer - 2018 -
Game design poses a difficult challenge of adjusting a game in order to get the gameplay
feeling right for the end user. The task of optimizing the game experience entails the …
feeling right for the end user. The task of optimizing the game experience entails the …
Stochastic Tree Search for Highly Coordinated Planning
B Kartal - 2016 -
Coordination plays a key role in efficiently solving multi-agent problems such as exploration
of unknown environments, search and rescue, and surveillance. Planning in a highly …
of unknown environments, search and rescue, and surveillance. Planning in a highly …
[PDF][PDF] Computer-Aided Game Design: Doctoral Consortium Research Abstract.
A Isaksen - IJCAI, 2016 -
Artificial intelligence can model and predict how humans will react to game systems. Using
models of human-like imperfect play, one can estimate how quantitative changes to a game …
models of human-like imperfect play, one can estimate how quantitative changes to a game …