Non-invasive measurement of glucocorticoids: Advances and problems
R Palme - Physiology & behavior, 2019 - Elsevier
Glucocorticoids (GCs; ie cortisol/corticosterone) are a central component of the stress
response and thus their measurement is frequently used to evaluate the impact of stressful …
response and thus their measurement is frequently used to evaluate the impact of stressful …
Key questions in marine megafauna movement ecology
It is a golden age for animal movement studies and so an opportune time to assess priorities
for future work. We assembled 40 experts to identify key questions in this field, focussing on …
for future work. We assembled 40 experts to identify key questions in this field, focussing on …
Drone up! Quantifying whale behavior from a new perspective improves observational capacity
During traditional boat-based surveys of marine megafauna, behavioral observations are
typically limited to records of animal surfacings obtained from a horizontal perspective …
typically limited to records of animal surfacings obtained from a horizontal perspective …
Environmental DNA (eDNA) from the wake of the whales: Droplet digital PCR for detection and species identification
Genetic sampling for identification of species, subspecies or stock of whales, dolphins and
porpoises at sea remains challenging. Most samples have been collected with some form of …
porpoises at sea remains challenging. Most samples have been collected with some form of …
A small unmanned aerial system for estimating abundance and size of Antarctic predators
Quantifying the distribution and abundance of predators is integral to many ecological
studies, but can be difficult in remote settings such as Antarctica. Recent advances in the …
studies, but can be difficult in remote settings such as Antarctica. Recent advances in the …
The multiple functions of male song within the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mating system: review, evaluation, and synthesis
LM Herman - Biological Reviews, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Humpback whales (M egaptera novaeangliae) are seasonal breeders, annually migrating
from high‐latitude summer feeding grounds to low‐latitude winter breeding grounds. The …
from high‐latitude summer feeding grounds to low‐latitude winter breeding grounds. The …
The relationship between physiological stress and wildlife disease: consequences for health and conservation
S Hing, EJ Narayan, RCA Thompson… - Wildlife …, 2016 - CSIRO Publishing
Wildlife populations are under increasing pressure from a variety of threatening processes,
ranging from climate change to habitat loss, that can incite a physiological stress response …
ranging from climate change to habitat loss, that can incite a physiological stress response …
An economical custom-built drone for assessing whale health
Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have huge potential to improve the safety and
efficiency of sample collection from wild animals under logistically challenging …
efficiency of sample collection from wild animals under logistically challenging …
Zoop to poop: assessment of microparticle loads in gray whale zooplankton prey and fecal matter reveal high daily consumption rates
The ocean continues to be a sink for microparticle (MP) pollution, which includes
microplastics and other anthropogenic debris. While documentation of MP in marine …
microplastics and other anthropogenic debris. While documentation of MP in marine …
Stress physiology in marine mammals: how well do they fit the terrestrial model?
Stressors are commonly accepted as the causal factors, either internal or external, that
evoke physiological responses to mediate the impact of the stressor. The majority of …
evoke physiological responses to mediate the impact of the stressor. The majority of …