Role of integrated crop-livestock systems in improving agriculture production and addressing food security–A review
Integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) can be productive, sustainable, and climate-
resilient agricultural systems compared to specialized and intensive systems. This review …
resilient agricultural systems compared to specialized and intensive systems. This review …
Climate change vulnerability and adaptation of crop producers in sub-Saharan Africa: a review on concepts, approaches and methods
SB Bedeke - Environment, development and sustainability, 2023 - Springer
Climate change severely affects sub-Saharan African economies in several ways: increased
temperatures, erratic rainfall variability patterns, and recurrent droughts and floods. Such …
temperatures, erratic rainfall variability patterns, and recurrent droughts and floods. Such …
Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (chapter 7)
GJ Nabuurs, R Mrabet, A Abu Hatab, M Bustamante… - 2022 - pure.iiasa.ac.at
The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector encompasses managed
ecosystems and offers significant mitigation opportunities while delivering food, wood and …
ecosystems and offers significant mitigation opportunities while delivering food, wood and …
Land‐based measures to mitigate climate change: Potential and feasibility by country
Land‐based climate mitigation measures have gained significant attention and importance
in public and private sector climate policies. Building on previous studies, we refine and …
in public and private sector climate policies. Building on previous studies, we refine and …
Small farms and development in sub-Saharan Africa: Farming for food, for income or for lack of better options?
Most food in sub-Saharan Africa is produced on small farms. Using large datasets from
household surveys conducted across many countries, we find that the majority of farms are …
household surveys conducted across many countries, we find that the majority of farms are …
[PDF][PDF] Poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development
J Birkmann, E Liwenga, R Pandey, E Boyd, R Djalante… - 2022 - orbi.uliege.be
Adverse impacts of climate change, development deficits and inequality exacerbate each
other. Existing vulnerabilities and inequalities intensify with adverse impacts of climate …
other. Existing vulnerabilities and inequalities intensify with adverse impacts of climate …
Extreme climate events in sub-Saharan Africa: A call for improving agricultural technology transfer to enhance adaptive capacity
This study seeks to provide a critical overview of the existing evidence on extreme climate
events and the adaptation options of the affected population in order to help scholars …
events and the adaptation options of the affected population in order to help scholars …
Which practices co‐deliver food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and combat land degradation and desertification?
There is a clear need for transformative change in the land management and food
production sectors to address the global land challenges of climate change mitigation …
production sectors to address the global land challenges of climate change mitigation …
Climate change, land, water, and food security: Perspectives From Sub-Saharan Africa
The current and projected warming of the earth is unequivocal with humans playing a strong
role as both perpetrators and victims. The warming on the African continent is projected to …
role as both perpetrators and victims. The warming on the African continent is projected to …
The dynamics of climate change adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of climate-smart agriculture among small-scale farmers
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) as a credible alternative to tackle food insecurity under the
changing climate is gaining wide acceptance. However, many develo** countries have …
changing climate is gaining wide acceptance. However, many develo** countries have …