[HTML][HTML] Sustainable synthesis of nano CuO from electronic waste (E-waste) cable: evaluation of crystallite size via Scherrer equation, Williamson-Hall plot, Halder …

MS Hossain, S Ahmed - Results in Engineering, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Electronic waste (E-waste) is going to be one of the most hazardous materials for a
sustainable environment in the technologically advanced era. In this research, waste electric …

Investigation and comparative analysis of ecological risk for heavy metals in sediment and surface water in east coast estuaries of India

MM Sahoo, JB Swain - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The sediments and surface water from 8 stations each from Dhamara and Paradeep
estuarine areas were sampled for investigation of heavy metals, Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Zn, Fe …

Unraveling the role of aerosol transport on nanomaterial characterization by means single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

D Torregrosa, G Grindlay, L Gras, J Mora - Journal of Analytical Atomic …, 2023‏ - pubs.rsc.org
Nanomaterials (NMs) characterization by means single particle inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (spICP-MS) relies on assessing transport efficiency. To this end, different …

Organics non-spectral interferences on nanoparticle characterization by means of single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

D Torregrosa, C Gómez-Pertusa, G Grindlay… - Journal of Analytical …, 2023‏ - pubs.rsc.org
The number of studies devoted to nanomaterial characterization in organic matrices by
means of spICP-MS grows every year, but limited information is available about the non …

The novel extraordinary separation and preconcentration approach for Cd2+:“Hydrophobic Immiscible Chelating Fluid” based micro-extraction

AT Bişgin - Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The novel, extraordinary and highly selective separation and preconcentration approach
based on hydrophobic immiscible chelating fluid (HICF) having superior features …

Atomic spectrometry update–a review of advances in environmental analysis

JR Bacon, OT Butler, WRL Cairns, O Cavoura… - Journal of Analytical …, 2024‏ - pubs.rsc.org
Highlights in the field of air analysis included: a new focus on measuring tyre-wear particle
emissions; an interest in using unmanned aerial vehicles for sampling purposes and an …

[HTML][HTML] Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry metrology: Revisiting the transport efficiency paradigm

E Bolea, F Laborda - Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Transport efficiency has become a critical parameter in single particle inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) since it is involved in the calibrations to determine …

An Unprecedented Metal Distribution in Silica Nanoparticles Determined by Single-Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

J Han, X Wu, JX Zhao, DT Pierce - Nanomaterials, 2024‏ - mdpi.com
Metal-containing nanoparticles are now common in applications ranging from catalysts to
biomarkers. However, little research has focused on per-particle metal content in …

[HTML][HTML] Rotating disk diluter hyphenated with single particle ICP-MS as an online dilution and sampling platform for metallic nanoparticles characterization in ambient …

T Cen, L Torrent, A Testino, C Ludwig - Journal of Aerosol Science, 2024‏ - Elsevier
The application of single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS)
for online metallic nanoparticles (NPs) characterization in ambient aerosol remains a …

[HTML][HTML] Determination of metallic nanoparticles in soils by means spICP-MS after a microwave-assisted extraction treatment

C Gómez-Pertusa, MC García-Poyo, G Grindlay… - Talanta, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Current sample preparation strategies for nanomaterials (NMs) analysis in soils by means
single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry have significant constrains in …