Spin-polarized type-II nodal loop and nodal surface states in hexagonal compounds ( = Li, Na, K, Rb)
Topological semimetals and metals have been extensively studied in nonmagnetic
materials, while those in magnetic materials are still quite rare. Here, based on first …
materials, while those in magnetic materials are still quite rare. Here, based on first …
Negative piezoelectricity and enhanced electrical conductivity at the interfaces of two-dimensional dialkali oxide and chalcogenide monolayers
The negative piezoelectric coefficient in ferroelectric polymers has been widely studied.
However, the same in the two-dimensional (2D) materials is scarcely reported, which …
However, the same in the two-dimensional (2D) materials is scarcely reported, which …
XTlO (X= K, Rb, Cs): Novel 2D semiconductors with high electron mobilities, ultra-low lattice thermal conductivities and high thermoelectric figures of merit at room …
W Fang, H Wei, X **ao, Y Chen, K Kuang, M Li… - Applied Surface …, 2022 - Elsevier
Thermoelectric materials have attracted much attention in recent years because of their
potential application prospects in clean energy and waste heat utilization. In this work, we …
potential application prospects in clean energy and waste heat utilization. In this work, we …
Interfacing 2D M2X (M= Na, K, Cs; X= O, S, Se, Te) monolayers for 2D excitonic and tandem solar cells
High photovoltaic efficiency with a staggered type II band alignment has been found in the
heterobilayers of relatively less explored dialkali metal oxides and chalcogenides, using …
heterobilayers of relatively less explored dialkali metal oxides and chalcogenides, using …
Ferroelectric manipulation and enhancement of Rashba spin splitting in van der Waals heterostructures
Ferroelectric (FE) Rashba semiconductors, a class of multifunctional materials with potential
applications in spintronic devices, have attracted increasing interests recently. Herein, we …
applications in spintronic devices, have attracted increasing interests recently. Herein, we …
Coexistence of ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism in one-dimensional SbN and BiN nanowires
Ferroelectricity exists in a variety of three-and two-dimensional materials and is of great
significance for the development of electronic devices. However, the presence of …
significance for the development of electronic devices. However, the presence of …
Tunable Topological Energy Bands in 2D Dialkali‐Metal Monoxides
Abstract 2D materials with nontrivial energy bands are highly desirable for exploring various
topological phases of matter, as low dimensionality opens unprecedented opportunities for …
topological phases of matter, as low dimensionality opens unprecedented opportunities for …
A structure map for AB 2 type 2D materials using high-throughput DFT calculations
Using high-throughput calculations based on the density functional theory, we construct a
structure map for AB2 type monolayers of 3844 compounds which are all the combinations …
structure map for AB2 type monolayers of 3844 compounds which are all the combinations …
Prediction of two-dimensional 2H-M 2 O 3 (M= Ti and Zr) with strong linear and non-linear optical response in the infrared range
A Huang, L Ji, Q Li, Y Wu, Y Ding… - Journal of Materials …, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Recently, MXene-like MOenes have emerged as promising candidates for next-generation
two-dimensional optoelectronic devices due to their exceptional electrical and optical …
two-dimensional optoelectronic devices due to their exceptional electrical and optical …
Single-Layer Dititanium Oxide Ti2O MOene: Multifunctional Promises for Electride, Anode Materials, and Superconductor
Using the first-principles calculations, we report the existence of the single-layer (SL)
dititanium oxide Ti2O (labeled as MOene) that constructs a novel family of MXene based on …
dititanium oxide Ti2O (labeled as MOene) that constructs a novel family of MXene based on …