Information-theoretical analysis of Dirac and nonrelativistic quantum oscillators
An information-theoretical study of the Dirac oscillator and the usual quantum oscillator is
provided, in terms of the respective spatial densities. The comparative analysis is grounded …
provided, in terms of the respective spatial densities. The comparative analysis is grounded …
Pairwise and higher-order statistical correlations in excited states of quantum oscillator systems
Pairwise and higher-order statistical correlations are examined in excited states of quantum
oscillator systems, in position, and in momentum space. Measures from information theory …
oscillator systems, in position, and in momentum space. Measures from information theory …
Information theoretic measures for interacting bosons in optical lattice
This work reports the different information theoretic measures, ie, Shannon information
entropy, order, disorder, complexity, and their dynamical measure for the interacting bosons …
entropy, order, disorder, complexity, and their dynamical measure for the interacting bosons …
Mutual information sums and relations with interaction energies in -particle quantum systems
The sums of position-and momentum-space mutual information measures are used to
examine the pairwise and higher-order statistical correlation in the ground states of N …
examine the pairwise and higher-order statistical correlation in the ground states of N …
Particle number and interactions in the entropic uncertainty relations
The dependence of the entropic uncertainty relations on particle number and on attractive
and repulsive interparticle potential strengths, is examined in the ground state of coupled …
and repulsive interparticle potential strengths, is examined in the ground state of coupled …
Control of Correlation Using Confinement in Case of Quantum System
This article investigates the behavior of a Moshinsky atom in a 1D harmonic trap. Focus is
given on the theoretical foundations of confinement and its impact on the correlation …
given on the theoretical foundations of confinement and its impact on the correlation …
Analysis of correlation and ionization from pair distributions in many-electron systems
Jensen–Shannon divergence is used to quantify the discrepancy between the Hartree–Fock
pair density and the product of its marginals for different N-electron systems, enclosing …
pair density and the product of its marginals for different N-electron systems, enclosing …
Higher-order information measures from cumulative densities in continuous variable quantum systems
A definition of three-variable cumulative residual entropy is introduced, and then used to
obtain expressions for higher order or triple-wise correlation measures, that are based on …
obtain expressions for higher order or triple-wise correlation measures, that are based on …
Entropic Uncertainty Relations and Mutual Information Correlation Sums in Two-level Superposition States of Coupled Oscillators
The effects of quantum interferences and interaction strength on the entropic uncertainty
relations, and on mutual information correlation sums, are examined in two-level …
relations, and on mutual information correlation sums, are examined in two-level …
Statistical Correlation Measures From Higher‐Order Moments in Quantum Oscillator Systems
Triple‐wise and higher‐order correlation measures are proposed using analogies from
information theory. Two‐and three‐variable statistical correlation measures, obtained from …
information theory. Two‐and three‐variable statistical correlation measures, obtained from …