친환경 검정색 염료 개발을 위한 Ketapang 과 오배자의 특성 비교
강재용, 이정은, 김성연, 박근태, 박장수 - 한국환경과학회지, 2018 - dbpia.co.kr
The purpose of this study was to develop environmentally friendly black dye by comparing
Ketapang and Gallnut, that have been traditionally used as a black dye. As a result of FT-IR …
Ketapang and Gallnut, that have been traditionally used as a black dye. As a result of FT-IR …
Comparison of Characteristics of Ketapang and Gallnut for Development of Environmentally Friendly Black Dye
JY Kang, JE Lee, SY Kim, GT Park… - Journal of Environmental …, 2018 - koreascience.kr
The purpose of this study was to develop environmentally friendly black dye by comparing
Ketapang and Gallnut, that have been traditionally used as a black dye. As a result of FT-IR …
Ketapang and Gallnut, that have been traditionally used as a black dye. As a result of FT-IR …