White default: Examining racialized biases behind AI-generated images
YS Park - Art Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, I explore social and ethical implications of generative AI models that need to
be addressed in art education by investigating how DALL-E 2 visualizes existing power …
be addressed in art education by investigating how DALL-E 2 visualizes existing power …
“AI is holding a mirror to our society”: Lensa and the discourse of visual generative AI
K Miltner - Journal of Digital Social Research, 2024 - publicera.kb.se
Since the release of the open-source AI model Stable Diffusion in August 2022, a panoply of
apps that create AI-generated portraits, or avatars, have exploded in popularity. One of the …
apps that create AI-generated portraits, or avatars, have exploded in popularity. One of the …
You Can't Get There From Here: Redefining Information Science to address our sociotechnical futures
Current definitions of Information Science are inadequate to comprehensively describe the
nature of its field of study and for addressing the problems that are arising from intelligent …
nature of its field of study and for addressing the problems that are arising from intelligent …
[HTML][HTML] A Fully-Searchable Multimodal Dataset of the Illustrated London News, 1842–1890
This paper introduces a dataset of 72,081 wood-engraved images extracted from the
Illustrated London News (ILN) from the years 1842 to 1890. In the mid-19th century, the ILN …
Illustrated London News (ILN) from the years 1842 to 1890. In the mid-19th century, the ILN …
Quo vadis personalized learning? Aligning technological innovation with evidence-based research on learning and instruction
The increasing individualization of personal lifestyles, the inclusion of persons with
disabilities in the regular classroom, and evidence from the field of learning and instruction …
disabilities in the regular classroom, and evidence from the field of learning and instruction …
[PDF][PDF] Pre-print, version November 22th. Please contact the first author for the recent version before citing.
L Nörenberg, RC Lazarides, J Dietrich, J Moeller - scholar.archive.org
The increasing individualization of personal lifestyles, the inclusion of persons with
disabilities in the regular classroom, and evidence from the field of learning and instruction …
disabilities in the regular classroom, and evidence from the field of learning and instruction …
Inteligencia Artificial e ilustradores digitales: Mediatización de la IA según creadores de contenido peruanos
AS Zegarra Socolich - repositorioacademico.upc.edu.pe
Introducción: La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ha irrumpido las redes sociales. A medida que
esta tecnología se mediatiza en las plataformas sociales, también se integra más al entorno …
esta tecnología se mediatiza en las plataformas sociales, también se integra más al entorno …